Page 26 - July2023
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July 2023                                                                           July 2023

       equates to between £1,000 and £2,000 a quarter and the money has been used            Pop in Place Community Café Bere Regis,
       to upgrade paths, subsidise the Christmas meal for the Lunch Club and, last year,
       to keep the Lunch Club, NeighbourCar and Communibus operating.                       Every Friday morning from 10 am until 12 noon we are at the Community Café at
                                                                                            the Village Hall North Street to welcome everyone who walks through the door.

                                                                                            We also welcome new volunteers to help on our team for serving the drinks and
       Road Safety Review Group                                                             help at events.
       The meeting was very positive and a number of people expressed an interest in        Call the Team Leader Alison 01929 472023 for more details.
       the Community Speed Watch and the Traffic Review Focus Group. Unfortunately,
       only four people have subsequently put their names forward for the Speed Watch
       and one person for the Traffic Review Group. If you would like to be involved in     Pop In Place Work shop
       either, please contact the Clerk.
                                                                                            A variety of bird boxes and planters are for sale call in on Friday morning to see

                                                                                            We  are  a  small  group  meeting  on  Friday  mornings  and  do  some  wood  work,
       All  the  available  larger  allotments  have  now  been  let  and  interest  has  been   making bird boxes, bug hotels and planters etc we also do a lot of talking and
       expressed  in  two  of  the  starter  plots.  The  reservations  list  is  now  clear  so,  if  you   drinking coffee. We have completed and refurbished the table tennis table and
       would like to put your name down for an allotment, please contact the Clerk.         that is available for people to play a game.

                                                                                            If you are interested in coming along and doing any of the above or your own
       Communibus Trips                                                                     small project, call in and see us you will be very welcome.
       These are proving incredibly popular and the bus is now out almost every week.
       The programme for the remainder of the year is as follows:                           Up and coming events at the Pop In Place
       July 18th Weymouth - £10 Depart 10am                                                 Macmillan Coffee Morning
       July 26th Afternoon Teas - £6* Depart 2pm                                            The  next  event  organised  by  the  Pop  In  Place  will  be  the  Macmillan  Coffee
       Aug 8th Taunton - £15 Depart 9am                                                     Morning on Friday 29  of September 10am at the Lower Hall
       Aug 23rd Mystery Tour - £10 Depart 10am
       Sept 6th Upton Country Park & Poole Quay - £10 Depart 10am                           Have you checked out our Pop In Place website
       Sept 20th Bournemouth Gardens - £10 Depart 10am                                                               For More information call Alison Bennett 01929 472023
       Oct 3rd Weymouth Home Bargains, B&M & Goulds - £10 Depart 10am
       Oct 16th Sherborne - £12 Depart 9am
       Oct 31st Salisbury Market - £12 Depart 10am                                         THANK YOU
       Nov 8th Ottery St Mary - £12 Depart 9.30am
       Nov 21st Tower Park, B&M & The Range - £10 Depart 10am                              Dear All,
       Dec 6th Palmer’s Nursery - £10 Depart 10am
       Dec 18th Xmas Lunch & Lights - £10 Depart 1pm                                       Thank you so much for the kind thoughts, condolences, flowers and support that
                                                                                           has been shown to Keith, Sam and I over the untimely death of Simon our son.

       *Lunch & Afternoon Tea at additional cost                                                                           Jan & Keith Nurrish, Sam, Si and Tom Munnings

       To book please contact Kim Benjafield on 01929 471170

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