Page 82 - br-july-2020
P. 82

July 2020                                                                           July 2020

                                                                                           My message is clear.  It is vital that we follow
                                                                                           the  latest  advice,  maintain  social  distancing
                                                                                           for  as  long  as  is  necessary  and  it  is  the
                                                                                           responsibility of everyone, including tourists to
                                                                                           stick  to  these  rules.    Stronger  restrictions  are
                                                                                           now  in  place  for  some  hotspots,  in  order  to
                                                                                           limit visitor numbers, manage social distancing
                                                                                           and  monitor  visitor  behaviour.    It  is  also  vital
                                                                                           that we encourage people to take litter home
                                                                                           with them and behave responsibly.
                                                                                           I am pleased that the measures put in place
                                                                                           over  more  recent  weekends  have  worked
                                                                                           well.  I meet regularly with Leaders of BCP and
                                                                                           Dorset  Council  as  well  as  the  police  and  this
                                                                                           matter  has  been  understood  and  is  a  key
                                                                                           priority.    I  know  that  it  will  be  carefully
                                                                                           monitored and kept under close review as we
                                                                                           approach the summer holidays.
                                                                                           I  continue  to  have  virtual  surgeries,  so  please  do  get  in  touch  if  you  need
                                                                                           support.  You can contact me via email or
                                                                                           call  my  office  on  01202  624216.  I  send  out  a  regular  email
       PARISH RESPONSE TEAM                                                                update    –   you   can   sign   up   on   my   website
                                                                                  where you can also find links to
                                                                                           the latest coronavirus advice.
        It  has  been  a  while  since  lockdown  restrictions  came  into  force  and  things  are
        starting to change, but our helpline and email address are still receiving requests
        for support from around 15 residents each week. In total we support 30 households
        who  are  still  having  to  stay  at  home.  As  a  small  group  of  volunteers  we  have
        completed  over  300  tasks,  some  such  as  prescription  collections  and  food
        deliveries supporting more than one household.
        We  also  know  that  our  residents  value  the  follow  up  telephone  calls  our  team
        makes. Without the support of the volunteers we will not be able to meet  these
        requests so although life is starting to get back to normal for some we really do          LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT
        need as many volunteers as possible to keep on supporting our community. With
        life for many getting back to a new normal, the difference for those who still have
        to isolate is made even more stark.                                                   Michael Tomlinson MP      
                                                                                              holds regular surgeries
        Some  of  our  volunteers  have  started  to  return  to  work,  so  the  pool  of  available   in the constituency.  For     01202 624216
        volunteers  has  shrunk,  if  your  circumstances  have  changed  over  the  last  few
        weeks and you are able to join the 12 mobile volunteers who collect prescriptions     details of forthcoming    
        and deliver food to vulnerable residents then please do let me know as we really     surgeries or to make an
        do need your help. If you have any questions or need further information please        appointment, please          @Michael4MDNP
        use the email below to get in touch.                                                     contact his office.

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