Page 83 - br-july-2020
P. 83

July 2020                              July 2020

       If you live within the parish and need any help coping with the restrictions caused
 NEWS FROM WESTMINSTER  -  VIRTUALLY   by  Covid19  please  don't  hesitate  to  contact  the  group  through  the  parish
       helpline - email or phone below. We are aware that some people are reluctant
       to ask for help, but please know that our lovely volunteers are there to help you
 Dorset  is  such  a  beautiful  and  wonderful  place  to
 live and work, and we are very lucky to have both   during these difficult times.
 the  Jurassic  Coast  and  areas  of  accessible   In case anyone hasn’t heard, Amelia Chorely is working away at her new project
 heathland  right  on  the  doorstep.    However,  as  I   -  an  amazing  effort  to  produce  an  embroidery  patchwork  of  the  parish  in
 write,  we  have  recently  had  problems  at  the   pictures.  Details  are  on  the  community  website
 beautiful  beaches  of  Lulworth  and  Durdle  Door  of   parish-in-pictures.  Also  Elizabeth  Whatley’s  incredible  project  to  produce  a  VE
 overcrowding  and  antisocial  behaviour.  We  have   day Scrapbook is practically complete although there are a few spare pages if
 also had the devastating fire in Wareham Forest.
       anyone would like to send material in to her via the email below. More details on
 These areas are normally extremely busy at this time   the website
 of  year  and  it  is  right  to  highlight  how  important   Contact  details  for  the  COVID-19  Response  Group  will  remain  unchanged
 visitors  are  to  Dorset’s  economy,  which  is  highly   throughout this crisis.
 dependent on tourism.  It is also the case  that  many  areas in Dorset, including
 other  parts  of  our  coastline  have  not  experienced  the  same  problems.  The   Email:   Phone:07745 796 118
 unusually hot weather has undoubtedly played its part too.
                                        David Griffith, Response Group Coordinator
 I  visited  the  fire  site  with
 the  Chief  Fire  Officer  to

 speak   to   the   teams
 fighting  the  fire,  and  to
 see   for   myself   the
 damage   that   was
 c a u s e d .    I t    w a s
 devastating  to  see  our
 heathland  scarred  with
 burning,  and  I  repeat
 their request that people
 should not have Bar-B-Qs
 or  camp  fires  out  in  the
 open   to   prevent   a
 r e p e a t    o f    t h a t
 fire.  However, even in a
 short number of days after the fire, nature was fighting back and green shoots
 could be seen through the ashes.
 I believe that it is right that we are gradually beginning to get back to normal,
 whilst  maintaining  the  clear  need  to  social  distance.  As  more  restrictions  are
 lifted, and cases of Covid-19 continue to fall, there will be greater opportunity for
 people to spread out, visit other parts of our wonderful country, and lessen the
 burden on the one or two locations that have been in the headlines locally. This
 pandemic is both a health and economic crisis and with careful management it
 is  possible  to  support  Dorset’s  vital  tourism  industry  whilst  keeping  local  people
 and tourists safe.

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