Page 77 - br-july-2020
P. 77

July 2020                              July 2020
 Virtual Council Meetings
       Sally  had  a  glorious  sense  of  fun  right

 Dispensation has been sought and granted for councillors who are be unable to   up until the last time I saw her.  It was
 attend Dorset Council meetings in person during the COVID-19 pandemic period.   just after we had entered lockdown.  I
 Currently the majority of meetings are continuing “virtually” and the council has   saw  her  standing  outside  her  house
 reduced or suspended some meetings.   and I went over to see her.  I like Sally
       she always made a big fuss of me.   My
 The  dispensation  for  Dorset  councillors  was  agreed  at  an  extraordinary  annual   owner was talking about the lockdown
 meeting on Thursday 11 June. The dispensation will remain in force up to 6 May   and  all  that  was  happening  and  Sally
 2021. This dispensation means that Councillors can not be disbarred through no   said  was  saying  she  thought  she  was
 fault of their own because of physical non-attendance at meetings. The council   safe  enough  to  stand  outside  until  my
 has  suspended  face-to-face  meetings  since  the  introduction  of  COVID-19   owner  pointed  out  that  she  had
 restrictions.  New  regulations  enable  decision-making  processes  to  continue  in   touched the railing. “Oooh”,  she goes
 accordance with the Government’s guidance on the use of virtual meetings and   with  that  flick  of  the  arm,  that  we  all
 social distancing where this is not possible.   know, and  they laughed.
 A  web page on the Dorset Council website details all the meetings being held   Lockdown is slowly being lifted.  My owner is doing more clearing and cleaning in
 virtually. This includes links to agendas and how to access the meetings live and   the house as she would like to have it all done by the time it ends.  The garden
 information about how to submit questions to meetings. Recorded meetings are   shed is still full of rubbish. I am still writing monthly articles.  I’m hoping to go to the
 also available to watch after they have ended.   pub next month.

                                                                     Jenny Stone
 Highways work
 As you are probably already aware, Highways construction sites were closed and   ARTSREACH
 programmes  of  planned  repairs  paused  on  Monday  23  March,  when  social
 distancing  measures  were  introduced  by  the  Government.  We  now  have
 clearance to continue to deliver our planned capital schemes where it is safe to
 do so. We are currently revising all of our risk assessments and method statements   Our   wonderful   Dorset
 to ensure we can take into account the latest Public Health England guidance   charity,  Artsreach,  is  30  this
 and adapting our approach to delivering work to ensure it only continues where   year.  ‘It’  is  very  much  two
 safe to do so.                                        splendid  women  who  work
                                                       extremely  hard,  at  a  job
 Dorset  Highways  has  also  supported  other  Dorset  Council  services  through  this   they  love.  Yvonne,  I  think,
 period,  with  staff involved  in  delivering  food  to  the  most  vulnerable,  supporting   has  been  there  from  the
 the NHS in pharmacy deliveries, providing drivers for Dorset Waste Partnership and   start,  and  Kerry  for  more
 managing the distribution of PPE to agencies operating in the health and care   years than you would think,
 sector.                                               as  she  looks  very  young.
                                                       There  is  also  a  new  recruit,

 Surfacing Programme                                   Nicole.  Sadly,  these  Covid
       times have  meant that their life is very different, just as it has for everyone else.
 The  Dorset  Highways  surfacing  programme  comprises  of  sites  identified  due  to   Yvonne  and  Kerry  take  it  in  turns  to  be  furloughed  for  a  month  at  a  time,  and
 their  deteriorating  condition  and  the  risk  they  pose  to  the  safe  movement  of   Nicole is working extremely part-time.
 essential  goods  and  services.  In  collaboration  with  our  private  sector  partner
 Hanson Contracting, we have developed new ways of working that will allow us   Nevertheless, they are still doing a lot to help community spirit thrive in Dorset. Do
 to deliver this essential maintenance programme without putting our workforce or   visit their website, which they are continually updating with
 the wider public at risk. Taking all of this into account, DC have had to completely   lovely things to do and see, including the National Theatre’s and Shakespeare’s
 change their programme to focus on the sites most in need of maintenance. This   Globe Live streaming.

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