Page 85 - br-july-2020
P. 85

July 2020                              July 2020
       JUST FOR COVID 19

       The  last  12  weeks,  Saturday  and  Sunday  mornings
 Sally Cheeseman   have found me stood outside the village shop helping
       to maintain social distancing and ensuring only one in
       the shop at a time. But it has been so much more than
 Sally’s son Steve has sent   that..  it’s  been  a  chance  to  get  to  know  so  many
 us this tribute from his   people  from  across  the  parish.  To  talk  about  what’s
 mother’s funeral   “not” happening, where we “haven’t” been, who we
       “haven’t” seen. But also to hear tales of years gone by

       and hopes for the future. It has been a privilege.
 Rev. Williams Words -
       The shop continues to be well supported. We continue
 It’s always hard when we lose   to buy fresh fruit and veg from the market on Wednesdays and Fridays – cry’s of
 the  people  we  love,  but  it   “who ever thought you’d be able to buy an Aubergine in the village shop” can
 must  make  it  more  so  when   be heard.
 we live on the other side of the world, have a global pandemic added in and
 have to say our goodbyes at a distance.  It’s so sad that Steve can’t be with   We have started working with Curtis’ Butchers of Wareham for meat and have a
 us physically today, but I know he will be thinking about his Mum as we lay her   wide range of cooked and uncooked meats in the shop. You might also want to
 to rest.     take up the opportunity to order meat and have it delivered. And we are selling
       lovely  bread  and  cakes  from  the  Italian  bakers  in  Wareham  primarily  at
 As  you’ve  already  heard  Steve  has  chosen  the  readings  and  wants  me  to   weekends.
 make this tribute on his behalf.
                               We  are  one  of  few  shops  in  the  area  stocking

                               watercress  from  The  Watercress  Company  which  is
 My Words –                    extremely popular.
 As many people will know my dear Mum passed away recently.  I have been   If  you  have  any  ideas  for  products  you’d  like  to  be
 overwhelmed  with  everyone’s  kind  words  and  the  lovely  things  that  have   able to buy from the shop please let us know. If you’re
 been  said  about  Mum.   It shows  how  much  people in  Bere  thought  of her.    new  to  the  area  you  may  not  realise  the  shop  is  a
 Mum loved living in the village and everything about village life, Bere life.     Community  Benefit  Society  and  is  run  entirely  by
                               volunteers. Using the shop regularly allows us to stock
 Mum was a wonderful character in the village, I have such fond memories of
 her when I was at school, then Sunday School going through to older school   lots of fresh produce. You might also like to consider
                               volunteering to help. It’s not just shop/counter staff we
 and then playing football and cricket for Bere with Mum cheering me on from
 the sidelines.  I was trying to think of all the activities,   need. You might prefer to go and collect Veg and Eggs from the market or meat
 clubs and volunteering that Mum did over the years   from the butchers.
 and  it  was  a  long  list.    I  remember  Mothers’  Union,   During  June,  Brian  and  Shelagh  Balls  retired  from  running  their  shop  in
 Bere  Wives  Group,  Women’s  Institute  (she  was  their   Puddletown. They have been huge supporters of Briantspuddle Village shop since
 longest  serving  Member).      She  also  carried  on  the   it opened and have served us well with Newspapers, bread and confectionary.
 tradition of smocking.    On behalf of Briantspuddle Village Shop and its customers we would like to say
       “thank you” and “we wish you a long and happy retirement”.
 Mum  also  worked  with  the  church,  cleaning  the
 brass,  changing  the  flowers,  delivering  Parish   Another “retirement” this month is Eloise who turns 18 on the 11  July and so will
 Magazines  and  generally being  a  major  part  of  the   be stopping her weekend shifts in the shop to make room for younger members

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