Page 78 - br-july-2020
P. 78

July 2020                                                                           July 2020

       They are in very close touch (virtually) with a large number of artists, both solo and    Over £100m paid to Dorset businesses in grants
       companies,  of  various  kinds,  as  well  as  with  bodies  like  the  Arts  Council,  the
                                                                                           The  Revenues  and  Benefits  team  in  Dorset  Council  recently  achieved  a  major
       National  Rural  Touring  Forum,  Action  With  Communities  in  Rural  England  and
                                                                                           milestone  with  the  payment  of  over  £100M  to  local  businesses.  This  is  a  huge
       Dorset Community Action. They are doing a lot of hard thinking about possibilities
                                                                                           achievement  and  has  provided  a  vital  lifeline  to  support  the  local  economy
       for when this situation gradually eases.
                                                                                           during  this  challenging  time.  This  was  a  completely  unprecedented  job  for
       Thanks to them, many village halls have been alerted to the Retail and Hospitality   Revenues and Benefits, and something that’s been done on top of ‘business as
       Grant of £10,000 available from Dorset County Council. Now, they are asking for     usual’.
       contributions to a project called ‘Tales from the village’, a series of articles about
       our rural Dorset villages: their past, their present, and their future. They are looking
       for  photos  (old  and  new)  of  your  village,  its  people,  buildings  and  history.    They   Local outbreak management plans
       want to hear fun facts, tall tales, folklore, points of historical interest, and true stories
       of your village and community. If you’d like to be involved with this project, please   Dorset Council (DC) now have to develop local outbreak management plans by
       send relevant photos of your village/village hall with any accompanying stories or   the end of June and have now received £1.3m to the Public Health budget from
       text  to  along  with  your  name,  the  name  of  your  village   government for this work. The plans will set out in detail how we will respond to
       and  any  other  details  you'd  like  mentioned  in  the  article  by  8th  July  2020.   potential  local  outbreaks,  including  care  homes  and  schools,  high  risk  settings
       Alternatively,  send  an  email  to  the  address  above  expressing  your  interest  and   (hostels,  workplaces  with  particular  risks),  testing  and  tracing,  intelligence  and
       Nicole will be in touch to hear your stories.                                       surveillance,  and  ensuring  adequate  local  skills  and  capacity  to  respond.  The
                                                                                           plan will be delivered through a local COVID19 outbreak board, overseen by a
                       Sarah Ryan, Artsreach volunteer promoter in Milborne St Andrew
                                                                                           public engagement board with local political leadership. DC will use the Health &
                                                                                           Wellbeing Board to undertake this role. The plans will ensure we remain vigilant for
                                                                                           any  changes  in  local  COVID-19  transmission,  and  that  we  have  local  ability  to
                                                                                           respond quickly to any outbreaks, working with our partners.

                                                                                           Redeploying staff to other teams through COVID-19

                                                                                           The current COVID 19 crisis has seen almost 250 Dorset Council employees take
                                                                                           up  temporary  new  roles  to  support  frontline  services.  From  delivering  essential
                                                                                           supplies  and  supporting  registration  services  to  helping  Household  Recycling
                                                                                           Centres and contacting those who were shielding, the employees have made a
                                                                                           big  difference.  They  have  temporarily  left  their  non-critical  roles  to  provide
                                                                                           support where it is currently most needed.
                                                                                           As  soon  as  the  crisis  hit,  the  council  identified  its  critical  services  and  matched
                                                                                           employees working in lower priority services to provide much needed cover – to
                                                                                           either deal with increasing demand or fill in for colleagues who were shielding.
                                                                                           All employees were invited to complete a questionnaire so the best use could be
                                                                                           made of their skills. Once they were matched with a suitable role, an induction to
                                                                                           their  new  place  of  work  was  provided,  including  training  to  help  them  do  their
                                                                                           new role.   These colleagues have made a great impact, and they have learnt
                                                                                           the ropes incredibly quickly during this unprecedented time. The crisis has meant
                                                                                           everyone has drawn on a determination to succeed and the council has been
                                                                                           able to flex its resources to meet demands never seen before. I am confident this
                                                                                           sharing of skills, together with a practical approach will stand us in good stead for
                                                                                           the future.

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