Page 87 - br-july-2020
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July 2020                              July 2020

 The  more he read the Bible, a desire to record the whole of the Bible onto CD   It’s also the time of year when we renew the
 became stronger and stronger.  The project was a  massive challenge, and the   100  club  membership  and  so  you  should
 commitment  of  time  and  energy  huge,  as  are  the  artistic  demands.    He  felt   hopefully by now have received a mail shot
 privileged to experience the sweep, depth and variety of the Scriptures.
       encouraging  you  to  join  in  with  this
 The recording of the New International Version of the Bible was finally completed   opportunity to support your village hall and
 in 2014.  The running time of the CDs is a total of 83 hours!  He says, “Read and   maybe win a little yourself along the way. If
 listen, or just listen,”     you join the 100 club, for.£10 per year gets
       you  entered  into  the  monthly  draw  where
 Many people know a little about the Bible, the stories of Noah and the Ark, David   the  lucky  number  pulled  out  of  the  bag
 and Goliath, and the birth, life and death of Jesus for example.  But few people   received  a  £30  prize  with  several  other
 have read all of the Bible, even Christians who regularly attend church.   Listening   prizes, some larger, being added to the Christmas draw.
 to  the  Bible  being  read  by  someone  like  David  Suchet  brings it  to  life in  a  new
 way, and I would certainly recommend it, so that you too can know the depth   There  will  be  many  ways  to  pay  and  join in  and if  by  any  chance  you  haven’t
 and variety of the Scriptures, and also hear God speaking to you through them.     received any information please contact me and I will be glad to help you get
 There is nothing like knowing that God has spoken to you, bringing comfort and   involved. It would be great if we could double the number of people taking part
       this year and bring some much needed funds into the hall accounts. The hall is in
 guidance, something we all need during the difficult days that we are facing.
       a reasonably good financial state but to be able to raise some money this way

       this year and keep us on track to keep the hall in the condition we all want it to be
 Just a Smile   or better would really be great and so I hope you’ll all consider joining us in the
       100 club this year.

 True Stories   A  huge  thank  you  to  everyone  who  has  volunteered  in  some  way  to  help  out
       during this strange time, we at the hall certainly wouldn’t have been able to offer
 One Sunday morning I was on sidesman’s duty at our Methodist Church.  We had   as  much  help  without  you.  There  are  to  many  to  name  but  everyone  of  you
 a Christening with a crowd of relatives.  Just as the first hymn started two strangers   however  much  or  little  you’ve  been  able  to  do  are  a  valuable  part  of  our
 came  in.    I  approached  them  with  hymn  books  and  said,  “Are  you  with  the   community and we thank you all.
 Christening party?”  The man immediately replied,
       Stay  alert,  stay  safe,  and  here’s  to  being  able  to  gradually  do  more  things
 “No, I’m with the Woolwich.”!   together.
                   Stuart Chorley, Chairman village hall trustees,
 The following problem was set in an exam for police recruits.   Mobile number 07818078191
 ‘You are on the beat and you see two dogs fighting.  The dogs knock a baby out
 of its pram, causing a car to swerve off the road, smashing into the grocer’s shop.
 A  pedestrian  is  seriously  injured,  but  during  the  confusion  a  woman’s  bag  is   BRIANTSPUDDLE COMMUNITY GROUP
 snatched.  A crowd of onlookers chase after the thief, and in the huge build up of
 traffic the ambulance is blocked from attending the victim of the crash.  State in
 order of priority, your course of action?’   Hello to all our Coffee Shop customers, Let’s Lunch diners and Book-Let readers.
       We hope you are well and coping with the corona virus situation.
 Recruit’s answer:  “Take off uniform and mingle with the crowd.”
       As you are aware the corona virus has meant that for the time being Community
                                                                                                                       Joyce Healey   Group activities have been rather restricted. We do miss our customers and the
       friendly buzz of everyone enjoying themselves and catching up with friends at all
       our events.
       However there is plenty of good news – the Book-Let is now open every day of the
       week in the Village Hall so you never need to be without a book to read and now

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