Page 80 - br-july-2020
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July 2020                                                                           July 2020

        BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE                                                        to whether their journeys are essential.  In other words,  we have limited ability to
                                                                                           deal with the large visitor numbers and issues like the lack of social distancing and
                                     NEWS                                                  the negative impact on local communities.
                                                                                           Ahead  of  this  announcement  there  was  no  communication  with  local  councils
       AFFPUDDLE AND TURNERSPUDDLE PARISH                                                  about how we might manage this influx, including the need for car parking, public
                                                                                           toilets and most importantly for beaches, the provision of Lifeguards.  I understand
       COUNCIL                                                                             that concern was being raised by Ministers last week about the lack of Lifeguards –
                                                                                           surely  this  is  a  conversation  that  should  have  happened  before  your
        The Parish Council meeting on 10th June was once again held remotely in order      All  our  public  services  are  very  stretched  due  to  weeks  of  responding  to  the
        to comply with Government social distancing guidance. Until restrictions around    COVID19  outbreak  and  other  major  incidents  such  as  the  wildfire  at  Wareham
        movement and public gatherings are lifted, the Parish Council will be holding all
                                                                                           Forest.  My plea to the government is to review the travel advice currently in place
        meetings remotely and only handing urgent business.                                and instead ask people to “stay local”.  I am concerned that we will see a second
        Councillors  discussed  trees  at  The  Hollow  which  seem  to  be  unstable.  Some   wave of infection here in Dorset as a result of the high number of visitors to the
        appear to be on land which is not currently registered and as such they may be     area over recent days. I’m asking the government to act now to save the lives of
        the  responsibility  of  Dorset  Council.  It  was  agreed  that  the  Clerk  will  contact   Dorset residents. Please help us to help them by issuing a revised guidance telling
        Councillor Wharf as well as the Highways Team Leader for the area to discuss the   people to stay local for the time being.
        problem and to agree a way forward.
                                                                                           We stand ready and waiting to work with the government but in order to do so,
        The  Committee  of  Briantspuddle  Village  Shop  and  Post  office  have  turned  its   you need to engage far more closely with the local government sector to deliver
        attention  to  determine  how  best  to  continue  to  protect  both  volunteers  and   the results we need for the country at this time.
        customers from the risk of contracting coronavirus.  The Parish Council received a   Yours sincerely
        request to use some of the its £1,275 Covid 19 grant from Dorset Council to fund
        the purchase  of screens for the shop.   At its  meeting Councillors agreed to use   Cllr Spencer Flower
        £275.87 of the grant to purchase this equipment.
        Councillors discussed how the site owned by the Parish Council might be used for   cc:   Richard Drax MP
        the benefit of the whole community as lockdown eases.  Councillors are aware             Michael Tomlinson MP
        that a significant number of residents remain at particular risk to the effects of the
        virus.  As such Councillors see the use of the site as a way of offering parishioners      Simon Hoare MP
        an opportunity to socialise as safely as possible, in line with government guidance.       Chris Loader MP
        The  Parish  Clerk  will  write  to  its  tenants,  The  Village  Shop,  The  Village  Hall  and      Sir Christopher Chope MP
        Bladen Social Club inviting them to share their ideas for changing or expanding
        their current activities in support of parishioners as restrictions start to ease.
        Concerns  have  been  raised  about  the  floodplains  across  the  parish  (sometimes    Test and Trace
        referred to as water meadows) being sold.  The perceived risk is that multiple new   Local authorities in the South West have been allocated over £22million to support
        landowners may result in a change of use to this land, which is a protected area   the new Test and Trace service, as part of a £300million package for England. The
        within the Conservation Area.  The Parish Council will monitor developments and if   funding  will  help  communities  to  progress  plans  to  reduce  the  spread  of
        necessary, liaise with the planning enforcement team at Dorset Council and the
                                                                                           coronavirus  in  their  area,  building  on  the  continued  efforts  to  respond  to  the
        Environment Agency.
                                                                                           pandemic locally.
        The bridge on Moor Lane in Briantspuddle requires structural maintenance work
                                                                                           A  total  of  £22,669,395  has  been  allocated  to  the  14  county  councils/unitary
                                                                                           authorities in the South West of which Dorset received £1,287,650.
       Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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