Page 79 - br-july-2020
P. 79

July 2020                              July 2020

 This is the government announcement…
 All the allocations can be found here…
       Oldest club member opens  play on new lawns in
 allocations   Winterborne Stickland
       Our  oldest  member,  Tess  Burt,  was  the
       first  person  to  play  on  the  new  lawns,
 Dorset Council's SEND Local Offer
       and this was on her birthday! Tess is the
 Dorset Council's Local Offer for children and young people from 0 to 25 years with   holder  of  a  Croquet  Association
 special educational needs and/or disability (SEND) provides information, advice   Diploma for services to croquet and has
 and support for children and their families is outlined in the link below.   represented  England  in  a  women’s
       team in Australia.
 h t t p s : / / d o r s e t c o u n c i l . u s 1 . l i s t - m a n a g e . c o m / t r a c k / c l i c k ?
 u=c39535cf4f9d1ca66af8d2b44&id=49a54e35b7&e=16edcd53e6   Winterborne  Valley  Croquet  Club  is  an  existing  (renamed)  club  which  has
       relocated to the Winterborne Stickland Sports and Community Club (WSSCC) from

       its previous site at Kingston Maurward, Dorchester. The support of WSSCC for the
 Bus Passes   project has been superb.

 Dorset  Council  (DC)  and   After a great deal of work what was a football pitch is now fit for playing croquet.
 bus   operators   had
 suspended  the  normal   The  weather  in  2020  has  been  a  trial.  6  weeks  of  continuous  rain  prevented
 conditions  for  holders  of   seeding, followed by (so far) 2 months of almost no rain after grass seeding. Then
 an   older   persons’   or   came the rabbits! A rabbit proof fence has been installed,
 disabled   persons’   bus   Rabbit  damage  has  limited  the  opening  to  one  lawn  instead  of  two  but  the
 pass  in  March,  so  that   second lawn should be playable also in the reasonably near future.
 people  were  able  to  get
 to supermarkets that were   The  project  has  been  accomplished  with  a  generous  grant  from  the  local  Solar
 opening  early  for  the   Fund and also the Croquet Association.
 elderly  and  those  ‘at  risk’
 o f    c a t c h i n g    t h e   The  strict  application  of  social  distancing  requirements  and,  following  advice,
 coronavirus.  On  Monday   other  precautions,  means  that  only  social  play  is  possible  at  present.  League
 (15  June),  the  terms  and   matches and competitions will follow when the regulations allow.
 conditions  for  these  bus   Membership  is  open  and  potential  members  may  apply  through  the  website
 passes  was  reinstated  to   (,  by  e-mailing  the  club  (  or  by  ringing
 those  that  were  in  place   Ian Harborow on 01305 266632
 before lockdown. This is to
 coincide  with  businesses   Chair  Tim  Dennis  said  “We  are  delighted  that  play  can  now  start  on  our  new
 and shops reopening and the resulting increase in people using public transport   lawns. Without a generous grant from the local Solar Fund the project would have
 before 9.30am. People who are vulnerable to catching coronavirus due to age   proved  very  difficult  to  accomplish.  Following  the  latest  lockdown  changes  we
 or underlying conditions will want to avoid these busy times.   can  now  welcome  new  members  with  coaching  available.  We  look  forward  to
       encouraging others locally to take part in this skilful, fascinating, and social sport.”
       Publicity Contact: Tim Dennis (Chair): 01305 251338

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