Page 76 - br-july-2020
P. 76

July 2020                                                                           July 2020

       My owner is still struggling with her hair.  When she washes it she looks a bit like Boris   may  mean  that  some  communities  may  have  to  wait  slightly  longer  than  they
       Johnson on a bad hair day.   She has purchased several hair bands and I think she   expected before seeing roads in their area resurfaced. Up to date information on
       was trying to achieve an elegant look, a bit like Sue Steggals.  No one told her that   planned   road   works   across   the   Dorset   area   can   be   found   at
       she would have to diet for months and lose six stone to achieve that look.   I am or by following @TravelDorset on Twitter.
       afraid the final result was more Jo Brand.

                            Things have got easier with lockdown. A  visit to the cider    Surface Treatments
                            museum  meant  that  there  were  loads  of  plants  to  plant
                            but  my  owner  was  struggling  to  get  bean  poles  and     This  programme  of  work
                            compost.    Several  mornings  we  would  walk  down  to       includes  surface  dressing,
                            Bartletts to peer through the railings to see if they had a    micro-asphalt  and  footway
                            delivery.    Which  they  hadn’t.    It  seems  as  soon  as  they   slurry   seal.   Surface
                            arrive they go. All the flowers are now planted.  There are    treatments  are  traditionally
                            vegetables  and  tomatoes  and  the  nightly  ritual  of       applied during the summer
                            watering and weekly feeding.  It has been very dry and         as they are very dependent
                            windy. The grass is cut.   I don’t know why she bothers, it is   on  weather  conditions.  As
                            brown,  and  all  she  is  cutting  is  plantain  heads  and   they   are   preventative
                                                                                           treatments    aimed    at
                            buttercup flowers.
                                                                                           extending  the  life  of  an
                            She has been able to have one or two friends round to sit      asset,  we  only  have  a
                            at  the  top  of  the  garden,  two  metres  apart  and  have   l i mi t e d    w i n d o w    o f
                            Pimms and fruit cake.  As a single person on her own she       opportunity  to  apply  them
                            can  now  be  adopted,  by  another  family  into  a  bubble,   before it needs a deeper, more costly repair.  With  this in mind, we are working
                            but which family?   Not sure anyone would adopt her.   I       hard  to  not  miss  this  year’s  window  if  at  all  possible.  Unfortunately,  it  was  not
       think she has decided it is better to continue as she is, safer that way.  Once you   possible, during lockdown, to treat all roads in an urban/residential setting due to
       start joining families you double the risk and limit any other options.  I’m glad I am a   the increase in parked vehicles and the likely increased contact with pedestrians.
       dog, I can go anywhere with anyone.  I get lots of walks.
       I have been struggling with my arthritis and needed more painkilling drugs from the   Highways Improvement Schemes
       vet.  As a result there was an expensive telephone consultation with the vet.  We   Dorset  Council  made  the  decision  to  suspend  all  schemes  that  were  under
       got the drugs but have been advised to put me on a diet and reduce the length       construction and pause any that were planned to start in April and May. Live sites
       of the walks  WHAT DOES THE VET MEAN!!!  I like my walks and my biscuits.           were  made  safe  and  traffic  management  reduced  to  a  minimum  over  this
                                                                                           period. After reviewing the latest guidance from Public Health England, we have
       One weekend, she was particularly unhappy and grumpy, kept walking round the
       house sighing.   I began to worry about her and wondered what was getting to        managed  to  produce  Safe  Working  Procedures  that  have  allowed  all  sites  to
       her.    She  hadn’t  been  out.  I  found  out  the  battery  on  the  car  had  gone  flat.    restart.
       Charlie and Robin Pitcher put jump leads on, got the car going and we went for a
       drive to make sure the battery was charged.  Funny really just going for a drive    Routine Maintenance
       and not stopping to give me a walk but she was very happy.
                                                                                           DC’s current focus is on completing essential safety inspections and repairs to the
       We  do  not  have  a  weekly  clap  anymore.    I  miss  that.    There  was  another  get   highest  priority  parts  of  our  network.  This  process  has  been  adjusted  to  reflect
       together event in North street.  Very sad but Sally Cheeseman’s funeral cortege     social  distancing  measures  but  still  ensures  the  network  remains  safe  for  the
       passed the house  one Friday morning.  People came out to watch it go by.   We      movement  of  essential  goods  and  services.  The  teams  continue  to identify  and
       clapped    and  stood  to  remember  Sally.    After  the  courtege  had  passed  we   repair the defects that pose the greatest risk to the travelling public. This focus will
       walked  to Elder Road where we met up with the other Women’s Institute members      mean that some of the lower risk activities, such as ditch cutting and grip clearing,
       all wearing their T shirts.  And watched it go by there again. That was really good   will take longer to deliver than usual. I am sure that our residents can recognise
       for me as I met my old neighbours and friends Roger (Always throws me a stick)      the rationale behind these decisions, however, rest assured that DC will carry out
       Angel and Richard Cunningham-Wood who were really pleased to see me                 this work as soon as they can.

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