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January 2021                                                                        January 2021

       Whilst the past year has been incredibly challenging, the difficulties have created   minutes to get into to the shop because of the queue.
       an even stronger, supportive community and such initiatives as Bere Connect, the
       Food  Bank,  the  work  of  the  Pop  in  Place  and  so  on,  have  all  provided  much   Being  a  part  of  the  shop  volunteer  team Is  a  great  way  to  get  involved  in  the
       needed  help  in  all  kind  of  ways.    The  weekly  Zoom  streamed  Church  Services   village and to meet everyone. If you’re new to the village or have been here a
       have  enabled  parishioners  to  continue  their  worship  and  feel  connected,  and   while  and  are  now  able  to  get  involved.  Please  get  in  touch.  There  are
       now that the church and chapel buildings are able to open again, those who are       opportunities to serve in the shop or be a part of the behind the scenes team. All
       not so keen on ‘technology’ can return to their preferred way of following their     the  stock  that  is  sold in  the  shop is  ordered,  collected,  displayed  by  volunteers
       religion.                                                                            and  it  works  best  when  we  spread  the  load.  From
                                                                                            newspapers  to  Eggs;  Doughnuts  to  Courgettes
       As  I  write  this,  I  have  just  learnt  of  the  loss  of  Brenda  Pitfield.    As  part  of  the   something  is  being  collected  every  day  of  the
       ‘backbone’ of our church community, she will be very much missed.  I send my         week and that is no mean feat.
       deepest condolences to those, both family and friends, for whom she has been a
       major part of life.  I hope that we shall have a full tribute to her in next month’s   In  2020  we  need  to  buy  a  new  freezer  –  the  old
       magazine. Rest in Peace, Brenda.                                                     one is leaking, and Lesley’s been defrosting it once
                                                                                            a  month  and  we’re  looking  at  further  developing
                                                               Alison Debenham              the  shelving  to  be  able  to  store  and  display  the
                                                                                            vegetables better. We are also looking at access.
                                                                                            This project will take a bit longer and will no doubt
       BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                      require some fund raising but we feel It is important
                                                                                            that all members of the community now and in the
       From the Bishop of Sherborne, Karen Gorham                                           future should be able to access the shop.
                                                                                            Thank  you  for  continuing  to  support  the  Village

                                                                                            shop  the  more  you  use  us  the  more  we  can
       2021 by Another Road
                                                                                            maintain a wide range of fresh produce.
       ‘They  left  for  their  own  country  by  another  road.’                           To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and
       Matthew 2:12b                                                                        by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re  happy  to
       I  wonder  what  happened  to  the  wise  men.  How  were                            deliver.
       their  lives  shaped  from  that  day  when  they  left                                    Ali Chorley, Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop
       Bethlehem  and  returned  to  their  own  country  by
       another  road?  How  did  seeing  the  longed  for  Messiah  change  the  rest  of  their

       It  was  really  encouraging  in  the  Autumn  to  engage  with  clergy  and  laity  from
       across the diocese  to look back at what church life had been like in 2020. This
       time last year we would never have imagined or believed how the year would
       turn out, and yet amidst all the tragedy, the fear, the anxiety, the challenge, there
       have been many signs of hope, new life, creativity, energy, of discovering new
       ways to share the good news of Jesus Christ.

       Our calling now is to go forward into this New Year, in the light of 2020, by another
       road. To take that which has been good, new and energising into our future, not
       just as the church, but also as individuals.
       What  may  this  look  like?  Well,  for  me  my  first  three  and  a  half  years  in  this role
       meant  spending  a  great  deal  of  time  indoors  and  in  the  car.  My  challenge
       therefore going forward is to consider how I continue to reduce my mileage and

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