Page 5 - br-jan-2021 (1)
P. 5

January 2021
 SMALL ADS                            January 2021
                                                         persuaded  me  that  it
                                                         would  be  good  to  have
   TREE SURGEONS      The    Sharon Dobson               an   archive   of   the
 Felling/pruning/shredding/  Handmade                    magazines  and  asked  if
 chipping/logging   best bargain                         we  could  scan  them  all.
 35 years experience,    in local   Find out how I can help you   At  the  time,  I  had  to
 City & Guilds qualified, fully   transform the look of your   decline, being a full time
 insured,   advertising  -  just   home.                 employee,     so    he
 Tree Works Application on   £70 a year!   Bespoke handmade curtains   personally   scanned
 your behalf   and alterations, Roman
                                                         hundreds  of  copies  and

 Mike and Emma Lucy Menzies   Keep your details   blinds, soft furnishings and   then  added  the  digital
 THE ELM BRANCH   handy for all your   upholstery projects   files  that  he  transferred

 Tel: 01929 471263                                       from  my  computer.    This
 Mob: 07419312517    customers.   07960 459834
 Email:                 must  have  taken  him                              hours and hours and was
                                                         a  true  labour  of  love  ,
                                                         especially as he had left

 Carpet Fitter   Computer                                the village to progress his
 Drax Hall
 P J Bushby    Problems?                                 career in London.  Thank
 Available for hire for private                          you James and Rod.
 parties or for regular    All aspects of carpet and   Email & internet support
 meetings.    vinyl fitting undertaken.     Wireless networking setup   Would  you  believe,  that
  Large hall and smaller room   Domestic or commercial.     PC and Laptop repairs   one  of  the  advertisers  in
 are both available.  The    Your own materials fitted or   Virus and malware removal   that  issue,  still  has  the
 latter especially suitable for   home selection if preferred.     No call-out charge   same  advert  to  this  day
 children’s parties.  For    Helpful advice always    Over 20 years’ experience
 details of hiring charges etc.    available.  The complete    Call Alan on :   -   thank   you   Steve
                                                         Painter.    And  you’re  still
    carpet and flooring service.
 Contact Hall Secretary - Lyn      01929 480529          going strong!
 Simmonds   07710 835905
 01202 624684                                            Because I only moved to
 01929 471528                   the  village  in  1988,  I  am
                                                         still  not  really  ‘a  villager’
                                                         but  I  like  to  think  that  I
    Helen Rigler
 Toes and Fingers   Claire Myers                         am  considered  as  a
                                                         useful   part   of   this
 Toe and finger nail   PILATES   HOLISTIC THERAPIST      exceptional  community.
 cutting service in your   The Egdon Heath Practice      We are so lucky to have
 own home   At Moreton Village Hall   Winfrith Newburgh   a wonderfully integrated
       mix  of  our  ‘born  and  bred’  residents  and  those  who  have  moved  here  and
 Toe nail cutting £15   Monday mornings   Offering Reflexology,   discovered  what  great  places  Bere  Regis,  Briantspuddle,  Affpuddle  and  the
 Finger nail cutting £12   9.15  - Intermediate   Massage, Reiki and   smaller communities are.
 Both treatments £18   Facials   Our young children have a thriving and caring school, we have a great team of
    10.20  -  Gentle   Over 15 years experience   medical professionals and support staff at our surgery. Our village shop, the  post
 Call Kay on   01305 854720   office  and  the  pub  all  provide  vital  services  for  everyone.  One  of  the  greatest
 01202 280492 or    benefits is the surrounding countryside and rural environment which enable us to
 07968 290333   07766 691080   make the most of the health benefits of fresh air and nature.

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