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January 2021                                                                        January 2021

               OTHER CHURCHES NEWS                                                          BRIANTSPUDDLE AND AFFPUDDLE


                                                                                            VILLAGE HALL NEWS
       Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service  taken each week by
       visiting  preachers.                                                                Well as I sit down to write this it’s still December, we
                                                                                           have a vaccine being distributed and we have a
       Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting                           turkey on order. My guess is the turkey will arrive first.
                                                                                           But there does at last seem to be some light at the
       Tuesdays at 7.30pm  Bible Study and Prayer
                                                                                           end of a very long tunnel, let’s hope so.
       Chapel  Toddler  Group  has  restarted  and  now  meets  on  Wednesday  afternoons   I want to take this opportunity to thank all my trustees for the hard work they’ve
       between  1pm  and  3pm  during  term  time.  All  Mums  and  children  are  very
       welcome.  Those  intending  to  come  must  book  in  advance  for  each  session.    put in this year ensuring that the village hall has been able to stand up and play
                                                                                           it’s part in a year the like of which we have never seen before. The story of 2020
       Please contact Suzie Gee on 07962142552. There is no charge.
                                                                                           would have been so different in Briantspuddle if you hadn’t have embraced so
       Currently we are able to meet again for our Sunday morning services, although it is   many huge changes from how things have been in previous years. Similarities with
       also  shown  live  on  you  tube.    Our  Youth  meeting  and  Bible  study  are  held  via   the  war  years  and  various  other  events  in  our  history  have  been  made  but
       zoom, with others joining us, a number of whom live too far away to ever be able    genuinely last year was a year like no other.
       to  join  us  in  person.    God  has  brought  good  out  of  the  current  situation,  via
                                                                                           The hall was very pleased to be able to offer its facilities to the Bere Regis surgery
       modern technology.
                                                                                           to carry out some of their flu vaccinations and stands ready should they need it
       At the start of this New Year I have an unusual topic for you – termites!   These little   again to help with covid vaccines this year. Since March the hall has been open
       creatures are unknown to us in this country, needing warmer climes, yet they are                                    every day to allow people safe transit to the
       very fascinating and can teach us lessons from their way of life.                                                   village  shop  which  has  meant  that  the  vast

                                                                                                                           majority  of  the  village  have  been  able  to
       Termites  are  tiny  insects  as  little  as  3-5  millimetres  long,  yet  they  perform  some                     safely  enter  and  exit  the  shop  without  risk  of
       wonderful feats.                                                                                                    breaking  social  distancing  measures  and
       In tropical countries termites build huge ‘castles’ up to nine metres (30 feet) high.                               more  importantly  as  the  shop  stepped  up  to
       These nests are made of mud which the tiny insects stick together with their saliva.                                the challenge of what it stocked it has meant
                                                  There  is  a  network  of  tunnels                                       that nobody has had to leave the village for
                                                  inside   which   provides   ‘air                                         anything. You can now live on what the shop

                                                  conditioning’  for  the  colony,                                         stocks.  Many  thanks  to  them  for  the  various
                                                  which  may  contain  several                                             donations they have made to the village hall
                                                  million   insects.      Australian                                       over the last year.
                                                  termites  build  mud  towers  that                                       I  know  2020  was  a  very  hard  year  but  I  can
                                                  are  thin  and  wide,  with  the                                         honestly say it was and is a privilege and a joy
                                                  narrow edge facing the midday                                            to  be  there,  the  way  everyone  in  the  village
                                                  sun.  This means that during the                                         has responded to each other throughout the
                                                  midday  heat,  less  sunshine  falls                                     pandemic, for me anyway, has re-established
                                                  on  the  nest,  but  in  the  morning                                    my  faith  in  mankind.  And,  now  we’ve  put
                                                  and evening sunlight falls on the                                        away  the  decorations  reminding  us  that  it
                                                  wide  side,  providing  warmth
                                                  when it is needed.
                                                                                           Affpuddle and Turnerspuddle website:

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