Page 17 - br-feb-2021
P. 17

February 2021                        February 2021
 host would be gladly received and we can see if there is anyone out there who
 could bring them into being.   TWENTY-FIVE YEARS OF PARISH
 A big thank you to everyone who has donated to the food bank box which has   MAG PRODUCTION!
 been in the hall since the first lockdown. You’ve have been able to give support to
 some 14 families consisting of approximately 40 people half of whom are children
 through  the  Bere Regis  food  bank  and  also  many  others  supported  through  the   Well, that was nice!  Some very kind and lovely comments
 Wareham food bank which we have also been able to support occasionally.    on last month’s article.  However, I do have to come clean
        -  the photo is from around 2015, so a little out of date!
 Just  a  thought,  but  as  Lent  starts  in  February  and  traditionally  it  is  a  time  when
 many  of  us  give  something  up  until  Easter  maybe  this  year  we  might  like  to   As  I  mentioned  last  month,  it  has  been  fascinating  to  go
 consider  giving  what  we’ve  saved  through  our  abstinence  to  the  food  bank  to   back  through  some  of  the  archived  magazines  on  the
 help others further. Goods can either be brought to the hall or bought from the   village website  - and I’m really glad that I saw Rod Osmond’s post on Facebook
 shop  and  put  in  the  food  bank  box  or  you  can  give  money  and  we  can  then   about the updating he is doing to the site, just in case I had problems accessing it
 either spend it through the shop or ask the food banks if there is anything specific   this month.  As it happened, everything worked fine, despite the domain transfer,
 they would like.   or whatever it was that he was doing!!
 Take care and please continue to remember hands, face, space while we wait for   I’ve taken the liberty of including two of Graham Roblin’s articles from February
 the vaccination programme to take effect.   and March 1996.  These both stuck so firmly in my mind from the time.  I remember
        my own Dad saying to me, “I do hope that you won’t put me in a corner with a
 Stuart Chorley chairman Briantspuddle Village Hall
        trough when I’m old”  - given he was only 70 at the time he need have had no
 Mobile 07818078191 email   fear.  Now  he’s  94,  and  still  as  sprightly  and  as  sharp  as  that  70  year  old,  so  he
        doesn’t need to have any worries.

 BRIANTSPUDDLE VILLAGE SHOP – NOT   The second piece  -  Fingerprints  - made such an impression on me that I have
        always had it posted up above  my desk, and I look at it frequently.  It’s timing
 JUST FOR COVID 19   could not have been more appropriate for me personally and I shall remain ever

        grateful to Graham for helping me to deal with some difficult times.
 One thing that writing a monthly article for the parish   However,  back  to  the  magazine  production.    In  those  days,  of  course,  people
 magazine does, is bring home how quickly time flies –   wrote  their  articles  on  bits  of  paper  and  put  them  through  my  letterbox.    No
 even  during  theses  days  when  we  once  again  find   internet, no email, and not much word processing either.  Occasionally I did get
 ourselves locked down It feels like only 5 minutes since   things that were typed out, and with the magic of the OCR (Optical Character
 it was mid-December and I was writing for the January   Recognition) software at the time, I was, at least, able to scan them and convert
 issue.   them to editable text  - with some tribulations as the software wasn’t always 100%
        accurate.  Of course, the other method was saving electronic files to disk  - I think
 Now as I write ready for the February issue, a few in the   we were just past the ‘floppy’ stage of the 5¼, and on to the solid 3½ ones.  And
 village have started to receive the vaccine – I wonder   we may even have had the early memory sticks/flash drives!
 by  the  time  you  read  this  how  many  more  will  have
 been vaccinated and how far off being able to see the rules relaxed once again   Anyway,  this  all  did  mean  a  lot  more  typing  for  me  as  well  as  interpreting
 we might be.   handwriting,  tracking  down  the  source  of  some  articles  (sometimes  contributors
        forgot  to  put  who  had  sent  things)  and  dealing  with  computer  viruses!    It  was
 This  weekend  we’ve  seen other  challenges  – Raspberries  stuck in  Spain  due  to   fortunate that we did only have around the thirty pages in those days and I’m so
 snow, Romanesque Cauliflowers stuck in port with the wrong paperwork!   glad that I did learn to  touch type when I did my business course at college.

 We did however have an amazing selection of fresh vegetables from the market.   As  you  will  notice,  all  the  advertisements  in  the  magazine  at  that  time,  were
 It always looks so good on a Saturday morning to see all the fresh produce in. A   printed for the full year ahead, so were kept on the outside pages.  This did mean
 complete array of cabbages, every type of root vegetable and purple sprouting   that  we  were  not  able  to  take  adverts  mid-year  and  also  it  wasn’t  possible  to
 broccoli. It is also possible to get fresh ginger, horse radish and herbs.

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