Page 13 - br-feb-2021
P. 13

February 2021                        February 2021

 underway  with  two  potential  suppliers.  The  Parish  Council  looks  forward  to
 receiving an update on the progress of enquiries at the meeting in February.    OBITUARIES

                 Unfortunately  the  death  of  one  of  her
 Briantspuddle Village Shop & Post Office   daughters  in  front  of  her  by  a  car  accident
        had  a  lasting  effect,  from  which  she  never  fully
 Councillors  were  briefed  on  early  investigations  into  options  for  improving   recovered. She was interested in everything and knew
 accessibility  to  the  shop  and  post  office  which  will  allow  residents  with  mobility   so much. She did struggle with events, people and was
 difficulties  to  access  the  shop  independently.  The  Council  offered  its  support  to   sensitive  to  situations,  some  found  her  difficult.    I  shall
 the project and will work with the Shop Committee to work through any planning   miss her dreadfully.
 enquiries and application with Dorset Council.
         She died very peacefully on Tuesday January the 5th.

 Briantspuddle Amenity Complex

 The  Parish  Council  discussed  plans  to  create  a  working  group  to  include
 representatives from all its tenants to consider how parties can work together to   BRENDA PITFIELD
 ensure  the  best  use  of  the  complex  into  the  future  for  the  benefit  of  all
 The  Parish  Clerk  will  write  to  each  Committee  to  invite  them  to  nominate  2   Both of the boys wish to give a big thank you to all those who sent or personally
 representatives  to  participate  in  the  working  group.    Meetings  will  take  place   delivered  Sympathy  Cards  following  Mum's  passing  on  9th  December.  It  was  a
 remotely  and  the  Parish  Clerk  will  provide  administrative  support.    The  Parish   great comfort to both of us that she had so many friends who  wished us well and
 Council have nominated Andrew Monro and Emily Hall to join the working group   gave support in our difficult time, and it is greatly appreciated.
 on its behalf.  Both Councillors are fairly new members of the Parish Council and   JP & MP
 will bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table.

 The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place at 7pm on Wednesday 10th
 February 2021. Please check the Parish Council section of the Community Website
 nearer the time for the agenda and information about how to join the meeting   Just a quick update during these strange and troubled times! A big thank you to
 which will be held remotely. Members of the public wishing to raise issues or make   Pat  Wharf for cleaning (toilet included!) prior to recent funerals, and for getting
 representation in respect of any agenda item will have an opportunity to do so at   the key back to me.
 the meeting. Alternatively, anyone who wishes to may contact the Parish Clerk in   As several have noted, the church doesn't need much cleaning or dusting at the
 advance of the meeting. Ideally correspondence should be received at least a   moment, with so few people using it and the current rota, in any case, only goes
 week in advance as it will not be possible to add items to the agenda once it has   to the end of January.
 been set.
       Pat has a key, due to 'Junior Church', and will kindly keep an eye on the state of
 Sue Jones, Chairman   cleanliness.
       When  we  have  a  better  idea  of  when  Lockdown  will  end,  and/or  when  the
       church will re-open, I'll do another rota and distribute it.

       Any questions tel 471777,
                                                                     Tina Walker

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