Page 16 - br-feb-2021
P. 16

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

       There  are  beams  straight  and  arched,  gilt-edged  or  painted  with  iterated                                         You  won’t  be  surprised  to  know  our
       patterns;  heads  and  flowers  and  leaves  and  heraldry  in  primary  colours;  but                                     top  selling  items  are  eggs  and  milk,
       above  all  there  are  the  twelve  apostles,  jutting  horizontally  from  the  wall,                                    but  you  might  be  surprised  to  know
       resembling hammer-beams but serving no purpose except ornament, holy indeed                                                that  on  average  we  sell  3  kilos  of
       but droll enough to lighten the longest sermon or dreariest service, nicely injecting                                      Bananas  every  day!  From  Oct  till
       the celestial with a touch of fairground and the cause no doubt of stiff necks by                                          December we sold 65 kilos of Brussels
       the thousand. Some are identified by what they carry: John’s gospel, Peter’s keys                                          Sprouts  and  93  Kilos  of  Carrots,  13
       and  church,  James’s  pilgrim  staff,  tax-gathering  Matthew  by  his  moneybag.                                         b l a c k    p u d d i n g s    a n d    1 9
       Judas, nearest the chancel on the north side, carries his purse, painted gold and                                          Camembert’s.
       filled  with  silver,  and  sports  a  raffishly  oriental-style  beard,  sign  perhaps  of                                If  you’re  new  to  the  parish  or  have
                                                                                                                                  not been in the shop recently please
                                                Cardinal  Morton,  whose  face  fills                                             come  and  take  a  look.  The  Post
                                                the  central  boss  of  the  second         Office  is  open  Monday  to  Friday  9.00  till  12.00  along  with  the  shop  which  also
                                                beam from the east end, is said to          opens  on  Saturday  9.00  till  12.00  and  Sunday  10.00  till  12.00.  We  stock  a  wide
                                                have paid for this florid canopy as         range  of  Sainsbury’s  products  alongside  fresh  fruit  and  veg  collected  from  the
                                                well  as  for  the  tower.  His  chantry    market  twice  a  week.  We  have  fresh  bread  in  4  times  a  week.  Our  meat  is
                                                chapel was at the east end of the           supplied by Curtis’ of Wareham and we have a wide range of cheese from the
                                                north aisle. Born a few miles away          market. There is a good range of bird food from Nordale.
                                                at  Milborne  St  Andrew,  he  was
                                                one  of  the  cleverest  and  possibly      We  are  currently  operating  a  covid  friendly  queuing  system  and  a  traffic  light
                                                one  of  the  wickedest  men  of  his       system ensuring we only have one customer in the shop at a time. We appreciate
                                                time.  He  helped  engineer  the            the continued support of the village hall committee allowing us to use the hall to
                                                marriage  of  Henry  VII  and               facilitate a one-way system and somewhere to queue in bad weather.
                                                Elizabeth  of  York,  daughter  of          A few of our volunteers have had to step back once again due to the virus but a
       Edward  IV,  to  strengthen  Henry’s  fragile  claim  to  the  throne.  His  charge  that
       Richard III killed Edward IV’s two sons in the Tower, true or false, also helped Henry.   few new ones have stepped forward and so we continue to be supported by a
                                                                                            strong team. That is not to say if you’d like to get involve you wouldn’t be very
       Under  Henry  he  became  Archbishop  of  Canterbury,  Lord  Chancellor,  Cardinal.   welcome. There are always things to be done and if you’d like to help out please
       Morton’s Fork was his formula to justify the taxing of all clergy: the rich could afford
                                                                                            get in touch. It is a great way to get to know your neighbours.
       to pay because they were rich; the poor because they were frugal in their habits.
                                                                                            We are grateful for the support of the parish council in providing some anti slip
       Nothing  matches  the  unique  quality  of  this  lively  blending  of  effigy  art  and   covers to the steps which were lethal in the icy weather we saw at the beginning
       waxwork art. The chancel has fine painted angels along the sides of its wooden       of January. The steps are now much safer in all weathers.
       roof, and a well-decorated late Tudor tomb-chest with a rich canopy and brasses
       showing Margaret and John Skerne. The 14th century south-side squint retains its     As we head towards spring, and I hope that won’t be long in coming I hope you
       original iron grille. On the north side the spiral stairway and upper opening to the   will  continue  to  support  the  shop,  we  can  only  continue  to  provide  the  wide
       long-gone rood-loft remains. An 1898 wheeled bier stands in the north aisle. Back    range of stock if you come and buy it so we can keep it fresh. We are more than
       in  the  south  aisle  we  see,  close  to  the  Turberville  window,  two  16th  century   happy to take an order and deliver it or have it ready for you to collect.
       Turberville  table-tombs,  made  of  Purbeck  marble  and  showing  serious  signs  of
       decay. Nearby, under a mat, is the stone that covers the Turberville vault. These    Thank you for continuing to support the Village shop.
       memorials, in a state of decay and ruin, are carefully described by Hardy when he    To place an order please contact us on 01929 472000 during opening hours and
       brings unhappy Tess in from outside to wander among her forebears.                   by  email  You  can  collect  or  we’re  happy  to

                                                                                                                                                         Ali Chorley

                                                                                                             Chair, The friends of Briantspuddle post office and village shop

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