Page 12 - br-feb-2021
P. 12

February 2021                                                                       February 2021

                                OBITUARIES                                                 AFFPUDDLE AND BRIANTSPUDDLE

                 help, and he agreed to have some carers come in once a day to             I came across an article on Briantspuddle and Affpuddle in a drawer the
                 help him. These girls were a godsend, both to him and us.                 other  day.    It  was  something  I  wrote  for  the  Echo’s  weekend  magazine
        Plenty of friends in the village used to call in on Dad, and keep him company.     when  I  was  a  community  correspondent  for  the  paper.  Of  course,    the
        One friend Bin, who Dad had meet years ago and had holidayed together in           years  have  moved  on  again  since  2004  when  I  wrote  it,  and  so
        Scotland, used to drive from Piddletrentide every Friday afternoon to see him.     many  villagers I talked to then have themselves passed on now.  Even
                                                                                           Debenhams is fast becoming history!
        After a fall, which knocked his confidence for 6 Dad summoned Fiona and I
        and told us to sort out a care home for him. This did come as a bit of a shock,                                                              Diana Holman
        as  Dad  was  so  fiercely independent.  But  we  did  as  he  asked.  He  went  into
        Pine Martin Grange at Sandford, and then had to spend 2 weeks in isolation
        because  of  Covid  restrictions.  He  did  not  stay  long.  Just  as  he  was  due  to   Shoppers wandering through the Debenham store in Weymouth little realise that
        come out of isolation, he had another fall, and was taken to hospital. There        just fourteen miles away lies a village whose entire history was reshaped less than
        they  found  that  his  health  was  failing  rapidly.  Sadly  4  days  later  he  passed   a century ago by the dream of an early chairman of the store.
                                                                                            Ernest Debenham was the grandson of the store’s founder, William Debenham.
        Dad had finally got his wish. Ever since Mum had died, all he wanted was to         The  vision  he  had  when  he  purchased  substantial  land  around  Affpuddle  and
        be with her again.                                                                  Briantspuddle in 1914 radically changed the somewhat slumberous way of life of
                                                                                            the neighbourhood said local historian, the late Joan Brocklebank.
        Sadly, for us, but happily for him wishes do come true.
                                                                                            The early history of the village of  Affpuddle and  the hamlet of Briantspuddle is
        Thank you, Dad, for being our Dad.
                                                                                            well  chronicled  in  Joan’s  book  Affpuddle  in  the  County  of  Dorset  published  in
                                                                                            1968.  A tribute to her life as a musician, artist, woodlander and historian exists in
                                                                                            the stone seat at the eastern end of St Laurence’s church.
        Mary Fegan
                                                                                            The written history of the manor of Afpuddle begins in 987 with the Foundation
        Many people in the village may remember Mary Fegan from her time at Cyril           Charter of the Benedictine Abbey of Cerne when Athelmar built the monastery.
        Wood Court and then at Turberville Court. She left Bere Regis some years ago        His  kinsman  Afrith  gave  land  to  the  Abbey  and  bequeathed  his  name  to  the
        to go to the Casterbridge Care Home in Cerne Abbas.                                 village.    By  the  early  14   century,  when  the  land  covering  Affpuddle,
                                                                                            Briantspuddle and Throop was divided into three manors, it was partially owned
         These  were  difficult  times  for  her,  she  was  very  disabled  and  unable  to  do
        many of the activities that gave her joy. However her faith and her painting                                                 by the Turberville family, and it is
        were both sources of comfort, and if she could help someone else she would                                                   thought  that  Briantspuddle  was
        throw  herself  into  them  with  all  her  intelligence.  For  example  the  Purbeck                                        named after Brian de Turberville.
        Workshop  based  in  Wool,  which  helps  people  afflicted  with  cancer  was  a                                            In  1683,  all  three  manors  were
        project very dear to her.                                                                                                    owned  by  William  Frampton  of
                                                                                                                                     Morton.    Ownership  remained  in
         She  had  been  a  nurse  and  written  articles  for                                                                       the hands of the Frampton family
        medical  journals,  married  to  a  doctor,  and  with  her                                                                  until 1914 when part of the estate
        own experiences she brought new ways of looking at                                                                           was sold to Ernest Debenham for
        life's problems in a way that was new at the time. She                                                                       the sum of £49,500.
        was  also  involved  with  the  BBC  and  the  Antiques
        Road Show in the time of Arthur Negus, and assisted a                                                                        Briantspuddle,   which    had
        young politician in Glasgow to his future career!                                                                            consisted  of  barely  a  dozen

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