Page 14 - br-feb-2021
P. 14

February 2021                                                                       February 2021
                                                                                           which  results  in  higher  speeds  and  a  more  stable  connection.    The  subsidy
       DORSET’S BEST CHURCHES                                                              available  is  £2,500  per  household  and  £6,000  per  business.  Residents  and
                                                                                           businesses  in  Waddock  have  already  begun  the  process  and  properties  at
       Ian  Ventham  recently  showed  me  a  book  called  Dorset’s  Best  Churches  by   Rogershill Farm have had full fibre installed for six months now. If enough properties
       Brendan Lehane with Photographs by David Bailey.  Ian felt that the two articles    are willing to pool their vouchers to participate in the scheme, the vouchers can
       within  the  book  on  our  churches  in  Bere  Regis  and  in  Affpuddle,  might  be  of   cover  the  full  cost.    Affpuddle  residents  are  now  considering  the  scheme  as
       interest to magazine readers.  I contacted the publishers, The Dovecote Press, in   internet  speeds  are  particularly  slow.  Further  details  are  available  on  the
       Wimborne, to get permission to reproduce these.  Sadly, the book is now out of      Briantspuddle  Community  Website.  Any  residents  unable  to  access  this  can
       print but they were happy for me to publish the two extracts.  This month is the    contact the Parish Clerk for information.
       one  for  St  John  the  Baptist  Church  in  Bere  Regis  and  next  month  will  be  St
       Laurence in Affpuddle.
                                                                                           Briantspuddle Village Shop
       We extend our thanks to David Burnett and Lyn Orchard of the Dovecote Press.                                                               Councillors have agreed that the Parish Council will meet the cost of fixing a non-
                                                                                           slip  surface  to  the  shop  steps.    This  one-off  cost  of  £130  and  will  improve  safe
                                                                                           access to the shop.  In part the cost will be offset against the remaining Covid-19
                                                                                           Grant  which  the  Parish  Council  received  from  Dorset  Council  last  spring.    In
       BERE REGIS                                                                          advance  of  the  work  it  has  been  established  that  no  planning  permissions  are
       St John the Baptist

       From the 1300s to the early 1700s the
       Turberville  manor  stood  over  the                                                Roads and Traffic
       road to the east of the church. The                                                 Councillors have been regularly discussing traffic concerns throughout the parish
       country round about was Turberville                                                 and  have  agreed  a  set  of  priorities  for  improving  roads  particularly  through
       country.  Hardy,  in  his  great  novel,                                            Briantspuddle and Affpuddle. Dorset Council is currently looking at 20mph limits in
       changed  the  name  to  D’Urberville                                                rural areas and a Councillor will attend a webinar which is designed to set out the
       and  brought  Tess  Durbeyfield,  her                                               criteria for approving a 20mph limit.  The matter will be discussed at the January
       widowed  mother  and  siblings  here                                                meeting.
       from  Marnhull,  hoping  for  a  family
       link  and  chance  of  inheritance.                                                                           ……………………………..
                                   There  was  neither.  Unable  to  find  lodging  they
                                   camped under the church’s south wall. ‘Isn’t your
                                   family vault your own freehold?’ asked the mother       The  Parish  Council  meeting  on  13th  January  was  once  again  held  remotely  in
                                   vainly.                                                 order  to  comply  with  Government  social  distancing  guidance.  Until  restrictions
                                                                                           around  movement  and  public  gatherings  are  lifted,  the  Parish  Council  will  be
                                   Despite  the  fictional  gloom,  and  the  all  too  non-  holding all meetings remotely.
                                   fictional ranks of dull modern redbrick housing that

                                   nearly  encircle  it,  and  the  noisy  nuisances  of  a
                                   nearby bypass, the church of St John the Baptist,                                             Full Fibre Broadband
                                   on foundations cut into rising ground, manages to                                             A  number  of  Parishioners  in  both
                                   assert itself very handsomely.  Ageing gravestones                                            Affpuddle  and  Briantspuddle  have
                                   and  a  line  of  clipped  cylinder-yews  like  a                                             expressed  an  interest  in  the  voucher
                                   procession of top hats grace the churchyard on all                                            scheme  which  would  help  residents
                                                                                                                                 and  businesses  have  full  fibre
                                   The  flint  and  ashlar  chequer  of  the  early  16th                                        broadband  installed.  It  is  understood
                                   century west tower, broken by the neat tracery of                                             that  contractual  discussions  are

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