Page 24 - br-dec-2021
P. 24

December 2021                                                                       December 2021

       The Dorchester centre is part of Dorset’s wider ‘Think Big’ initiative to help reduce                                 have  liked  it  as  we  filmed  that  sequence
       waiting lists and bring diagnostic services closer to the community. This is one of                                   three or four times. PIC 037 & 041
       the first schemes of its kind to get up and running in the make such good use of
       an existing public. The centre will be fully staffed by local healthcare teams, but                                   It must have all been very exciting for the
       they would very much like to recruit a team of volunteers to support and guide                                        locals  too  as  one  young  lad  kept
       patients visiting the centre as it’s a new, unfamiliar facility. Anyone who would like                                swimming  across  the  camera  range  at
       to  volunteer  is  asked  to  contact  Volunteer  Centre  Dorset  or  call  01305  269214.                            strategic times!
       They would particularly like to hear from anyone who has previously volunteered                                       We  loved  our  day's  filming  with  the
       in a hospital or vaccination centre, or has event marshalling experience.                                             glamour  and  excitement  of  it  all.  I  don't
                                                                                                                             think  I  will  run  to  employing  my  own
       Change of Portfolios (Cabinet reshuffle)

       Cllr Peter Wharf will move from Portfolio Holder for Corporate Development and       personal  trainer  as  Robson
       Change  to  Portfolio  Holder  for  Adult  Social  Care  and  Health.  (Cllr  Wharf  will   did.  Fitness  coach  John  had
       continue  in  his  role  as  Deputy  Leader).  Cllr  Jill  Haynes  will  move  from  Portfolio   been  his  regular  companion
       Holder  for  Customer  and  Community  Services  to  Portfolio  Holder  for  Corporate   as he trimmed a stone and a
       Development and Change. Cllr Laura Miller will move from Adult Social Care and       half  off  his  figure  over  the
       Health to Portfolio Holder for Customer and Community Services                       previous three months though
                                                                                            he  did  look  impressively  fit

                                                                                            and  good  in  his  swimming
       Residents Survey                                                                     costume.
       This independent survey is being conducted by Information by Design (Ibyd) on        In the last piece of the day we found ourselves sitting with our legs dangling in the
       behalf of Dorset Council.  Ibyd are an independent market research company,          pool imagining what lay ahead for him in his great swimming adventure. True to
       are members of the Market Research Society (MRS) and abide by the MRS Code           form, he asked me where I got my flashy light blue speedos (the old variety). I had
       of Conduct. The survey is conducted online (promoted through e-newsletters and       to  tell  him  these  would  soon  be  coming  back  in  fashion  especially  when  I
       through  social  media)  and  by  paper  questionnaires  being  distributed  door-to-  introduce my "back to the future" woollen 40s style cossie. Now there would be a
       door  in  selected  areas  of  Dorset.    If  you  have  any  questions,  please  telephone   sight to savour!
       Information by Design on 01482 467467
                                                                                                                                                        Bob Holman

       Improving poorly insulated rented homes

       Dorset  Council  has  been  awarded
       £98,000  of  Government  funding,  after
       applying  to  a  national  competition,  to
       improve the most poorly insulated rented
       homes  in  Dorset.  In  the  last  five  years
       over 700 properties in Dorset have been
       rented  with  an  Energy  Performance
       Certificate (EPC) that is in the lowest two
       bands (F and G).

       The  council  Housing  Standards  Team
       entered  the  competition  with  a  plan  to
       provide  help  for  landlords  to  improve

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