Page 11 - br-dec-2021
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December 2021                       December 2021

 let us have your order by 15  December – we will be making our last trip to Curtis’
 on Wednesday 22  December.    OTHER CHURCHES NEWS
 We will once again be selling Christmas Trees and wreaths. Imagine you can walk   BERE REGIS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH
 to get your tree, just like in the movies…… (or have it delivered to your door!)
 In  2022,  Her  Majesty  The  Queen  will  become
 the  first  British  Monarch  to  celebrate  a   Sundays 10.30am  Morning Service .  Our services also go out live on you tube
 Platinum Jubilee, 70 years of service since she   Mondays at 7pm  STS (Search the Scriptures) Youth meeting, via zoom.
 acceded  to  the  throne  in  1952.  That  same
 year an unknown photographer took a series   Tuesdays  at  7.30pm   Bible Study  and  Prayer, meeting  in the Manse and also  on
 of  pho  xdtographs  of  the  parish.  These  have   zoom.
 recently  been  donated  and  it  seemed  fitting
 to  use  these  for  the  2022  Village  Shop   Wednesdays  at  9.30am  Chapel  Toddler  Group,    please  contact  Suzie  on
 Calendar.  2022  also marks  20  years  since  the   07962142552
 shop  first  opened  as  a  community  venture   15  December 9.30am  Chapel Toddlers Christmas Party
 and we’ve marked the date on the calendar
 in  anticipation  of  a  celebration.  We  have   Thursday  16 .  December  6.30pm   Christmas  Cafe,   Light  refreshments, Christmas
 been able  to keep the  price  at £5  so please   music and carols.
 support us and purchase one.
       Sunday 19  December 5.30pm.  Carol Service, Christmas readings and carols.
 If I don’t get the opportunity to do so in person, I wish you a very happy Christmas
 and thank you for your support of the village shop in 2021. Whether that is as a   Everyone is warmly welcomed to these two events.
 volunteer or a customer or both. We have been able to maintain a wide range of
 fresh  produce in  the  shop,  but  we  can  only  do  that  if  the  community  together   It’s hard to believe that another year has nearly gone and Christmas will soon be
 volunteer to collect and importantly regularly use the shop.  We really want it to   here.  Perhaps for some of you this year, the time has gone more slowly, because
 be  more  than  a  convenience  store  for  the  odd  tinned  or  dried  packet  that’s   of  lockdown and  the  disruption  of our  usual  routines.  It  has certainly  been  very
 been forgotten.    different.   We hope that nothing will happen at the last minute to disrupt all our

 We would like there always to be a wide range   Christmas plans this year.
    of  fresh  produce,  fruit  and  veg,  bread  and
 meat.  Not  just  for  those  who  find  it  difficult  to
 go  to  the  supermarket  but  for  all  of  us.  So   After Christmas last year a friend very kindly sent me a copy of the following poem,
 please  as  you  start  to  make  new  year’s   which puts another light on the familiar Christmas story.  See what you think.
 resolutions – please add “use the village shop”
 to your list. It really does make a difference.    The Innkeeper’s Wife
 Make sure you have the  AGM written on your   We were full to the rafters when they knocked so late,
 calendar  -  Friday  21   January  2022.  This  will   Joseph was anxious – babies don’t wait.
 cover 2 financial years and bring us up to date.
 It’s  a  great  opportunity  for  us  to  all  meet  and   She smiled through her pain, trusting God had this planned;
 recognise  the  value  the  shop  brings  to  the   I offered our stable and he took her hand.
 community. And if you don’t want to come just
 to hear the update please come and join us for   With so many visitors, how could I know
 a  glass  of  Wine  and  some  nibbles  it  will  be  a   Who would be with us before the dawn’s glow?
 good way to start the new year.   That across the night skies I would hear angels sing,
       And shepherds would come from the hills, chattering?

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