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December 2021                                                                       December 2021

       FROM THE REGISTERS                                                                   ARTSREACH

       St John the Baptist, Bere Regis                                                      Briantspuddle Artsreach presents:

       Baptisms                                                                             A Christmas Carol by David Mynne
       10  October      John and Adam Ventham-Hein
                                                                                            Venue: Briantspuddle Village Hall
                                                                                            Date: Saturday 11th December at 7.30 p.m.

       BISHOP’S LETTER                                                                      Ticket Price: Adult: £10 Child: £6 Family: £25
                                                                                            Box Office: For Tickets Call 07788100273.
                                                                                            Tickets also available online at
       An uncluttered Christmas

       Having just returned from leading a Diocesan pilgrimage to
       Iona,  I  am  reflecting  upon  the  rich  threads  which  weave                                                                David  Mynne,  veteran  Cornish
       their  way  through  Celtic  Spirituality,  including  an                                                                       actor and a founder member of
       appreciation of God’s creation. A life that treads gently on                                                                    Kneehigh,  presents  a  one-man
       the  earth  because  God  created  it  and  gave  it  to  us  to                                                                performance     of   Charles
       enjoy  also  reflects  the  fifth  mark  of  mission:  To  strive  to                                                           Dickens’  ‘A  Christmas  Carol’;
       safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew                                                                       spend   an   evening    with
       the  life  of  the  earth.  COP26  provided  a  platform  for  Christians  as  well  as  other                                  Ebenezer Scrooge: a squeezing,
       environmentalists  to  highlight  some  of  the  ways  God’s  earth  is  being  damaged                                         wrenching,  grasping,  clutching,
       beyond repair, calling us all to live simpler lives.                                                                            covetous, old miser! Bah!
       Advent  is  a  time  for  preparation  and  gives  all  of  us  an  opportunity  to  make                                       In their inimitable style, the team
       changes to the ways we live to make the world a better place. As consumers, the                                                 that   brought   you   Great
       temptation is to accumulate and to waste; as Christians, the call is to be generous                                             Expectations,  Dracula  and  The
       and live as good stewards. The trappings of Christmas surround us – do we really                                                Odyssey will now take you on a
       need another special bauble for the tree?  Or that glittery wrapping paper that                                                 grim  (sort  of)  journey  through
       will not easily recycle? Can we invite people in for a simple supper? Or give just                                              the  dark,  dismal  streets  of
       one or two presents and not the usual dozen?                                                                                    Victorian   London.   Expect
                                                                                            Dickens’ original words with added silliness. Silliness? Bah!
       The  first  Christmas  was  very  much  a  stripped-back  affair.  God’s  Son,  born  in
       simplicity,  grew  up  to  teach  the  same  simplicity,  telling  us  not  to  store  up   Celebrate  the  festive  season  with  a  mesmerising  one-man  performance  of
       possessions, and to give things away to others. His appreciation of the birds of the   Charles  Dickens’  timeless,  transformative  story,  now  with  extra  Humbug!  Touring
       air  and  the  lilies  in  the  field  were  a  challenge  to  our  own  worries  and  anxiety   with Artsreach, Dorset’s rural touring arts charity. Recommended 9+
       about ‘many things’.                                                                 Refreshments: Bar with Mulled wine and mince pies. Tea and coffee will also be
       Therefore, let our response be to tread gently on the earth, too: pointing out to    available.
       those  who  have  influence  when  the  decisions  they  take  mars  God’s  creation;
       preparing through a simple advent, and welcoming the Christ child in the most
       uncluttered way we can.

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