Page 26 - br-aug-2022
P. 26

August 2022                          August 2022

       who gave constructive feedback on what they think could be improved on in the
       park, and we will look to incorporate as many of their ideas as possible!

 I  cross  the  stream  that  leaves  the  Gwyle  and  tumbles
 seawards over cobbley beach,   Tree Inspection
 across  the  shore  to  join  the  bay  as  I  trek  west  along  the   We have also had many of the trees in and around the Elder Road open space
 steeply sloping shingle bank,   area surveyed and were advised of some work that would need doing to keep
 along  the  strand  line’s  seaweed  trail,  towards  the  nearby   them safe and healthy. We will commission this in the coming months.
 chalky cliffs I hope to reach,
 past  iron  stained  rocks  of  golds  and  browns  that  slipped
 away from their strata rank.   Next Meeting

 High on the hill above the bay, with distant views all round,   The next meeting will be held on Thursday 8  September 2022, commencing 7pm
 another empty village stands   at the Drax Hall. If you wish to have an item added to the agenda for discussion,
       please contact the Clerk or a member of the Parish Council by the end of August.
 where  once  an  ancient  Celtic  tribe  sought  peace  and
 refuge on the windswept crest,                                  Bryan Benjafield
 now only weathered ramparts show where they had dwelt
 and farmed the lands
 and  herded  their  stock  on  the  verdant  slopes  and  the
 lowland heath to north and west.

 At  last  I  reach  Cow  Corner  where  the  high  white cliff  cuts
 through the pebbled way
 and bars the route to Cover Hole, to Arish Mell and then to
 the Mupe Bay rocks ahead,
 so  I  sit  a  while  and  look  south  west  through  summer  haze
 across the shimmering bay
 to a blue grey ‘Slingers Isle’ and watch the passing gulls and
 fishing terns instead.

 And while I sit in shelter amidst great fallen rocks, I stare and
 contemplate the shore,
 how precious is this unspoilt place, no burger bars, no candy
 floss nor fairground rides,
 protected  by  an  irony  that  shuts  it  off  from  you  and  me
 when training troops for war,
 yet I can sit, in peace, with nature’s beauty all around and
 watch the turning of the tides.
 Chris Nother

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