Page 23 - br-aug-2022
P. 23

August 2022                                                                          August 2022

       Neighbourhood  Plan  (BRNP)  which  was  adopted  in  June  2019  after  receiving   Flu clinics 2022
       public support in a referendum.
                                                                                            It’s hard to believe it’s nearly that time again!
       Page 19 of BRNP states “Any large-scale developments (in excess of one hectare)
       must be supported by suitable transport assessments and mitigation measures in       We are in the process of planning our clinics for this year.  We will hold 2 clinics at
       line  with  the  requirements of the  Department  of  Transport  Circular 02/2013  ‘The   the Scout Hut, Bere Regis.
       Strategic Road Network & the Delivery of                                             We are proposing Saturday 17  September all day and Saturday 22 October am,
       Sustainable  Development’.  Subject  to                                              vaccine delivery dependent so please save the date!
       meeting other planning requirements this
       commercial  site  could  be  suitable  for                                           We will advise all eligible patients when appointments are available to book.
       provision  of  facilities  falling  under  the
       following  use  classes;  A3  (restaurants  &
       cafes),  A5  (hot  food  takeaway),  B1
       (business),  B1a  (offices),  B8  (storage  &                                        AUTUMN LEAVES FIRST
       distribution) and C1 (hotels).”

       Therefore, the proposed use as set out in                                            THURSDAY CLUB
       the  application  is  not  in  dispute.
       However,  there  are  a  number  of  issues                                          Our July meeting took place on a glorious summer day
       that need to be considered.                                                          and  I  was  pleased  that  our  numbers  were  back  to
                                                                                            normal after the change of day in June.  Our talk was
       The capacity of the roundabout is cause for concern. The exit slip road from the     provided by Tim Colquhoun who gave us an excellent
       garage  can  become  congested  at  peak  times  and  during  holiday  periods.      Powerpoint  and  film  presentation  on  the  work  of  the
       Although published data states that only five accidents have been reported on        National Coastwatch Institution.  This service was set up
       the roundabout in the last five years, local knowledge suggests that this does not                                  in the early 1990’s following Government cuts
       take into account a number of unreported accidents and near misses.  National                                       to  the  Coastguard  Service.    This  band  of
       Highways  need  to  provide  guidance  regarding  the  adequacy  of  the  highway                                   volunteers,  provide  a  lookout  service  along
       junction, and any required improvements.                                                                            our  coast.  They  are  the  “eyes  along  the

       The  proposal  might  be considered  to  be  over-development  of the  site  and  we                                coast”.    I  always  thought  it  was  a  few  “old
       need to be guided by Dorset Council.                                                                                sea  dogs”  getting  together  with  binoculars
                                                                                                                           looking out to sea and drinking tea.  Tim soon
       Site sections are required to show existing and proposed ground levels and how                                      explained  that  this  was  a  proper  service,
       the  proposed  development  would  fit  with  the  Shell  Garage  and  existing  road                               providing  training,  in  the  use  of  modern
       layout.                                                                                                             means of communications, maps, charts and
                                                                                                                           other  equipment.    We  now  have  a  modern
       A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) has not yet been submitted,                                         invaluable service to all people who use our
       which would assist in assessing the impact of the proposed development.                                             coast.  It is a charity and needs support.
       Concern has been raised about the number of parking bays and we need to be           Next month we have a talk from the Dorset Waste Partnership who will be talking
       guided by Dorset Council whether adequate provision has been made.                   to us about Recycling.  What happens to our rubbish?  How much actually gets
       With the proximity to residential properties, would a restriction on hours of opening   recycled?  What can we do to make it easier for the re-cyclers.  How can we cut
       be appropriate?                                                                      down on Waste?  Can we save money?    I often think about this when looking to
                                                                                            see what can be recycled into which bin do I put it?
       A litter control plan should be included as a planning condition.
                                                                                            I  am  sure  we  will have  lots  of questions  on this  very important  subject  so come
       Is the environmental assessment thorough enough to ensure acceptable levels of       along on  Thursday  4   August  .   The  meeting  starts  at 2.30  p.m  in  the  afternoon
       noise,  light  and  smell  pollution.  Have  fumes  from  idling  cars  been  taken  into   Cost £3.00 to include tea Cake sandwiches and a raffle.
                                                                                                                                                         Susan Stone
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