Page 24 - br-aug-2022
P. 24

August 2022                          August 2022
 No 6    No 7   National  planning  policy  guidance  states  local  planning  authorities  should
       consider undertaking health  impact  assessments to help improve  health. As this
 a  wooden  circle  with  holes  drilled   Chicken wire 1inch mesh.    application is within 100 metres of the village sports club and recreation ground,
 through above a water dish   Physocarpus   Dorset Council needs to confirm whether a health impact assessment would be
 Rogersia piñata   Abelia in flower   appropriate.
 Mariubium   More thlapsi   Concerns have been raised about whether adequate collection and disposal of
 Dead allium heads   Phoenix palm leaves   foul and clean water can be provided. The parish council seeks confirmation from
 Iris seed head   Rhamnus    Wessex Water and the Environment Agency that the proposals will not increase
       flood risk elsewhere.
 Euphorbia   Golden privet
 Heuchera flowering heads   Variegated myrtle   The design is very similar to all the other ‘motorway’ style outlets. Being in such a
       rural location, we would have preferred to see a greater use of natural materials
 Scelopherum alliums   Astilbe   and more attention being given to making the area carbon-neutral, such as the
 Astrantia   Sedum strawberries and cream   use of solar panels.
 Nigella   Dahlias
       Our thanks to Brenda House
 BERE REGIS      The  Council  received  the  resignation  this  month  from  Brenda  House.  We  would

 SURGERY NEWS   like  to  extend  our  sincere  thanks  to  Brenda  for  her  fantastic  commitment  and
       dedication during her time as a councillor. Not least for the incredible amount of
       work she put into setting up and running the NeighbourCar community transport
 Appointments during the school   scheme, Salt & Pepper Lunch Club and the Communibus. Without Brenda, along
 summer holidays   with her partner Barry, it is possible that these schemes wouldn’t exist and the fact
       that these can all  continue  to run  independently  now  is  testament  to  how  well
 Despite   our   best   efforts,   we   have   they were set up and run in the first place. We are aware of many members of
 unfortunately  not  been  able  to  secure  full   the community who are incredibly grateful to have these outlets to get involved
 locum cover for the six weeks of the summer   in. Thank you Brenda!
 holidays whilst our regular GPs are away from the practice.
 This means some patients who have routine requests may experience longer than   New Councillor
 usual waiting times, allowing us to ensure that those who have the most urgent
 need (not emergencies) are prioritised. We recognise that this may be frustrating   Two candidates submitted their interest in the current vacancy for a Councillor.
 for some, however we ask that you are understanding at what is a difficult time.     Following a vote, we were delighted to co-opt Richard Bendon onto the Council
       and look forward to Richard’s involvement in various upcoming projects.
 We would also like to remind patients to call between 8:30 and 9:00 for urgent on
 the day appointments - this is for conditions that cannot wait until the next routine
 appointment.   Another Vacancy
 Please also remember you can visit or call 111 for advice on symptoms   We  also  now  have  a  vacancy  for  another  new  Parish  Councillor,  if  you  are
 and health conditions.  As always, patients requiring emergency care should dial   interested  in  joining,  please  contact  the  Clerk  on  to
 999.   register your interest.
 If  you  have  an  appointment  you  are  unable  to  attend,  please  remember  to
 contact the Practice to cancel this appointment so it can be given to someone   Dogs in the Play Park
       The Parish Council has received complaints from members of the public regarding
 Thank you for your understanding.   dogs in the play park.  We  would like to reiterate that no dogs should  be taken

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