Page 24 - br-aug-2021
P. 24

August 2021                                                                          August 2021

       Village Calendars
       The Parish Council have once again agreed to produce a village calendar, with
       this year’s chosen charity being The Fire Fighters Charity, who will receive all of the
       profits  from  the  sale  of  the  calendars.  If  you  wish  to  submit  a  photo  for
       consideration of inclusion within the calendar, then please email photos featuring
       some aspect of the village (taken in Landscape Orientation) to Bryan Benjafield
       on before 31  August.

       Community Speed Watch
       A report was presented from Angie Wright, the CSW Co-ordinator.  The team had
       been out twice. The first visit had noted 21 vehicles exceeding the limit of 30mph
       and counted 207 vehicles in 1 hour travelling past them. The second visit noted 19
       vehicles  travelling in excess  of 30mph.  It is  already  noticeable that  vehicles  are
       slowing down. The Parish Council would like to extend our thanks to Angie and her
       team for their efforts.
                                                                 Bryan Benjafield

            Temporarily Suspended
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