Page 25 - br-aug-2021
P. 25

August 2021                          August 2021

 We  will  not  have  full  control     NEW HOMES FOR THE OLD SCHOOL SITE
 of  all  of  the  land  for  some
 months  but  during  this  period
 monitoring  is  getting  underway
 on  site  to  see  what  wildlife  is   At the Parish Council Meeting on the 8  July 2021 Dorset Council presented their
 present.  We  want  to  plan  for   plans for the redevelopment of the former Primary School site.
 this site carefully so this gives us
 time   to   monitor   wildlife   The  school  has  been  empty  since  the  end  of  2016/early  2017  following  the
 and  collect  data  to  inform  the   construction of the new school at Southbrook.
 development  of  plans  for  the   The Bere Regis Neighbourhood Plan which was developed in 2019 identified that
 site.  We  want  to  help  nature   the former primary school site was suitable for the development of  23 residential
 recover   in   Dorset,   enable   units.
 people to benefit from contact
 with  nature  and  experience   Given  the  location  of
 wilder places and demonstrate how natural systems can help reduce problems   the  site  and  it  being
 such as pollution, flooding and loss of soil carbon.    very  visible from Rye  Hill
       the  plan  also  required
 There  are  some  rights  of  way  across  the  land  that  are  open  to   that   any   housing
 anyone, however,  much of the land will still be farmed at this time and there is   developed  on  the  site
 currently no parking available. During the first year, we will be developing access   would be in a style and
 plans with a view to opening up more of the site for visitors as we progress.  Do   of a density that sits well
 continue to visit the site by the existing public footpaths and take the opportunity   with the village.
 to support local businesses in Bere Regis.
       Planning  policy  requires
 Over the coming  months  we will be carrying out site monitoring and consulting   that  40%  of  the  units
 with residents and local organisations to understand how the site can best benefit   created  on  the  site
 wildlife and the local community.   We also very pleased to be able to support   should be affordable.
 the allotment holders.
       Working  with  the  Council’s external  Architects, Thrive,  the  proposed design and
 This is a very exciting initiative for several reasons and one of those is its location,   layout take account of the requirements set out in the Neighbourhood Plan and
 within walking distance of the vibrant community of Bere Regis. We have already   of  Dorset  Council’s  policies  in  terms  of  housing  mix,  affordability  and  quality  of
 had  a  preliminary  meeting  with  members  of  Bere  Regis  Parish  Council  and  are
 planning to have a village meeting later in the year to talk about our developing   design and landscaping.
 plans with the community and local organisations.   The Council is aiming to build the new homes to a Passivhaus standard in support
       of  the  Council’s  Environmental  goals  and  its  aim  of  achieving  zero  carbon  by
 We  look  forward  to  meeting  and  working  with  the  residents  of  Bere  Regis  and
 there  will  be  opportunities  for  everyone  to  get  involved.    We  are  particularly   2040.
 interested to hear from any young people who would like to work with us.   The Parish Council on an initial review the scheme asked whether it was possible
       to link the site to the pathway in the neighboring field and to include a play area
 If you have any queries at the present time, you can contact our DWT Court Farm   within the site. The Council’s Architects have been asked to consider and review
 project manager:   both requests from a design and planning perspective.

           Rob Farrington    The  Council’s  Property  Department,  like  any  other,  company  or  individual  that
 or      Tony Bates DWT trustee and village resident     wishes to develop and build houses will need to follow the necessary processes
       and procedures to obtain planning approval.
       The  Council  will  in  the  next  4-8  weeks  be  submitting  a  pre  application  to  the

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