Page 26 - br-aug-2021
P. 26

August 2021                                                                          August 2021

       Planning  Department  which  is  a  process  whereby  advice  can  be  provided  by   A WILDER DORSET
       planning  officers  to  help  ensure  they  provide  a  better  submission,  submit  all
       relevant  information,  ensure  all  special inputs  have  been  considered  (eg  trees/
       landscaping), understand how the proposal will be judged, what elements should
       change in order to make it more likely to be successfully determined.                A message from the Dorset
       Any  comments/suggestions  arising  from  these  discussions,  along  with  any  the   Wildlife Trust
       local residents may suggest through the Parish Council will help inform and shape
       the  final  planning  application  which  it  is  anticipated  will  be  submitted  in   Dorset  Wildlife  Trust  is  very  pleased  to  announce  that  we  have  been  able  to
       September/October of this year.                                                      acquire  Court  Farm  at  Bere  Regis.    This  site,  around  170  hectares  in  total,  will
                                                                                            showcase  sustainable  change  in  land  use,  ecological  restoration  and  help  to
       As part of the formal planning process Bere Regis residents will be consulted and    address  the  climate  and  ecological  crises  in  partnership  with  the  local
       invited  to  submit  any  comments,  views  and  suggestions  on  the  proposed      community.    Currently  intensively  farmed,  the  site  is  predominantly  arable  with
       development                                                                          some pasture, some deciduous woodland and small areas of scrubland.
       Subject  to  planning  approval  being  granted  it  is  hoped  that  construction  will   Our  objective  is  to  give  Dorset’s  wildlife  much-needed  room  to  spread  and
       commence on site in the Spring/Summer of 2022.                                       regenerate and give the community new space to reconnect with nature, while
                                                                                            reducing net nitrates in Poole Harbour.. The acquisition also includes Court Green,
       Any  initial  comments  or  views  on  this  proposal  would  be  most  welcome  and   the barns, and the allotments.
       should be submitted in the first instance to the Parish Clerk, Amanda Crocker, by e
       -mail to                                                                                                           We  have  bought
                                                                                                                                                 this   land,   firstly
                                                                                                                                                 because     Dorset
                                                                                                                                                 Wildlife  Trust  is  one
                                                                                                                                                 of  46  wildlife  trusts
                   To All Local Clubs and Societies                                                                                              throughout  the  UK
                                                                                                                                                 want  to  see  30%  of
              If you are a village club, society or organisation that is                                                                         l a n d    b e i n g
             now getting back on track with regular meetings, could I                                                                            managed  in  a  way
             please encourage you to let me have your future events                                                                              which  is  beneficial
                                                                                                                                                 to  nature  by  2030.
            for the ‘Dates for your Diary’ section which has now been                                                                            This  means  some
             re-introduced at the back of the magazine  -  thank you                        currently  nature-poor  areas  need  to  be  restored  to  allow  nature  space  to
                                                                                            rebound and spread.
                            to the WI for the first batch.
                                                                                            Secondly to help tackle the climate crisis. Restoring nature increases the amount
            Just email me to request a pro-forma template as this will                      of  carbon  held  in  healthy  soils,  new  woodlands  and  wetlands  and  reduces
            make it easier for me to copy and paste in and also make                        outputs of harmful greenhouse gases.
               sure that I have all the information we need  -  date,                       Thirdly,  we  aim  to  help  local  communities  better  connect  with  nature  on  their
                                                                                            doorstep.  More  of  us  than  ever  are  disconnected  from  the  natural  world  but
                            event, location, start time etc                                 connection  to nature has  huge benefits for  mental and  physical  wellbeing.  This
                                                                                            site will provide vital space and new opportunities to engage the public with the
                  Many thanks, Alison                            natural world. Dorset Wildlife Trust is excited to be involving the local community in
                                                                                            planning for  the site’s future,  to  ensure  their  voices  are  heard and  they receive
                                                                                            real community benefits.

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