Page 19 - br-april-2018
P. 19

April 2018                            April 2018

 Last  month,  before  the  dreaded  "Beast  from  the
 East"  caused  so  much  disruption,  we  welcomed
 "Mr  Mash"  from  Hotch  Potch.  Mr  Mash  makes
 'gluten free' products both sweet and savoury and
 as   well   as
 recounting  the  history  of  Hotch  Potch  he

 kindly  brought  along  samples  of  these
 products  for  tasting  which  was  enjoyed  not
 just  by  our  members  but  also  by  our  visitors
 from  other  local  WIs.  This  was  also  the
 meeting  where  we  welcomed  three  new
 members who we hope will enjoy  belonging
 to our institute.

 Following  our  disappointing  coffee  morning
 on  Pancake  Day  we  will  be  at  the  Sports
 Club one day in  the Summer when we hope
 our supporters will come along for 'Afternoon
 Our  next  meeting  will  be  our  AGM  on  18
 April 2018 when the Explorer Scouts will be recounting their expedition in 2017.
 If you would like any further information about the WI please contact:
 Eileen Salisbury on 01929 472022      or    Di Pitts on 01929 471322


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