Page 24 - br-april-2018
P. 24

April 2018                                                                           April 2018


       Despite    the   dire
       weather  forecast  five
       parish    councillors
       travelled  to  London  on
       27  February to visit The
       Houses of Parliament on                                                                 To serve 4 adjust the ingredients to suit number of people you are catering
       a  trip  arranged  by                                                                   for.
       W i l l i a m    B u r s t o w ,
       Parliamentary  Assistant                                                                     5 eggs,
       to  our   MP   Michael                                                                       450g of good pork
       Tomlinson.    Having                                                                          sausage meat,
       cleared  the  airport-like
       security   we   found                                                                        1 teaspoon of mixed
       ourselves  in  a  freezing                                                                    dried herbs (twice the
       cold  Central  Hall  while   Left to Right Simon Munnings, Dominic Bishop, Laurie             amount if using fresh
       we  waited  for  our  tour   Fairhurst, Michael Tomlinson MP, Tony Bates, Robin Pitcher       herbs),
       guide.    After  seventy-                                                                    pepper, salt and a little
       five  minutes  with  our                                                                      wholemeal flour.
       knowledgeable  guide  John  Tsang  we  were  met  by  William  and  taken  to
       committee room 13 for a half hour discussion with Michael Tomlison. Michael took        Greased baking tray.  Oven
       us  through  the  order  papers  for  the  day  and  we  goggled  at  the  eye-watering   200C, 400F, gas6,
       sums of money due to be discussed – illions of punds.
                                                                                               Beat one egg and along with the herbs fork into the sausage meat seasoning
       After  leaving  Michael  we  went  to  the  public  gallery  where  the  commons  were   with salt and pepper.  Grease a baking tray and with floury hands form the
       debating the Office for Students followed by a motion for spending £13 million to       sausage meat into rings or nests.  Dust the rings with flour and place on the
       help alleviate the plight of rough sleepers. Speaker Bercow impressed us with his       greased tray bake in oven for about 20mins until turning brown and sizzling.
       knowledge of all the MPs in the chamber. After lunch we wandered over to the
       strangers’ gallery to listen to the House of Lords reprise the commons debate on        Break an egg into each nest and return to the oven for a further 5 minutes.
       the Office for Students.                                                                Serve either for breakfast or with a salad for lunch or supper.
       An extremely interesting trip which gave Bere Regis councillors a greater insight in
       to the workings of Central Government.

                                                                                               2 fl oz of either cream or evaporated milk, ¼ pt canned tomato juice.
                                                                                               Place both in a saucepan and gently heat together, do not boil as they may
                                                                                               separate.  This sauce can also be used cold with very hot fish cakes.

                                                                                               Taken from WI Home Skills ‘Snacks and Suppers’ dated 1978

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