Page 15 - br-april-2018
P. 15

April 2018                            April 2018




 Burns Night
 After  announcing  that  there  would  be  no  event
 next year because Rainbarrow are unavailable, I
 have  been  prevailed  upon  to  explore  other
 options  because  it’s  such  a  popular  celebration.
 So watch this space for developments.


 Our  last  offering  of  the  season  was
 another  success  with  an  audience
 enthralled by the tales of  Royalty and
 High Society before and during the 2
 World War. Much of the unfolding story
 was  based  on  actual  events,  and  a
 question  and  answer  session  with  the
 actress revealed that the performance
 had been adapted over time to reflect
 the release of new evidence into the public domain.

 We had been offered one more show (in June) as our venue has a good track
 record, but felt that a break for the summer is necessary.
 Artsreach is so well worth doing because it brings the privilege and pleasure of top
 class performers to our doorsteps.
 But .. . . . . it also means that whoever the promoter is has to choose acts (making
 sure they are suitable for your hall and audience, that they are affordable, that
 performers can be billeted after the performance etc) Then, the promoter has to
 advertise,  sell  the  tickets  (whilst  co-ordinating  fee  shares  etc.  with  Artsreach)
 organise the hall and booking requirements, the setting up of equipment, seating,
 staging and so on, welcome and cater for the performers, then clear up, divide
 the takings and take down the advertising posters. And all the time you’re doing
 this  you  worry  that  not  enough  people  will  turn  up  to  make  a  respectable
 audience or indeed cover your costs.
 So, the Hall Committee must thank Jenny Beedle (our promoter) for taking on this
 task and making such a success of it. There will be a promoters evening soon and

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