Page 20 - br-april-2018
P. 20

April 2018                                                                           April 2018
                          BERE REGIS NEWS


       Chairman:          Ian Ventham      471480

       Vice Chairman:   Robin Pitcher      472151

       Parish Clerk:      Amanda           472327


        The Parish Council met on Thursday 8  March at the Drax Hall. The next meeting
        will be on Thursday 12  April at the Drax Hall, starting at 7pm. All parishioners are
        very  welcome  to  attend  and  to  take  the  opportunity  to  raise  any  matters  or
        concerns at the start of the meeting.

        New Councillor

        We are delighted to welcome Philip Morgan to the Parish Council. Philip has lived
        in the parish for 3 years, and is a former police officer. He is already involved in
        parish life as a cook for the Salt and Pepper club, and as a NeighbourCar driver.
        Philip will take responsibility on the council for Policing, Traffic and Roads.

        “Beast from the East”
        The  council  wants  to  put  on  record  its  very  grateful  thanks  to  everyone  who
        contributed to helping with the severe weather conditions we experienced at the
        beginning of March. In particular, the many 4x4 drivers and local farmers, Barry
        Tuck and Kevin Crocker with their tractors, who turned out to help get stranded
        articulated  lorries,  vans    and  cars  moving  showed  huge  dedication.    Many  of                                       Small load  £80    Large load £175
        them were out from late evening through to the early hours on Poole Hill and on
        Rye Hill, clearing the snow with ploughs and towing the stranded vehicles. Early
        on  the  Friday  morning  Tony,  the  Lengthsman,  and  a  large  band  of  volunteers
        cleared  most  of  the  pavements  south  of  West  Street.  Up  on  Snow  Hill  Adrian
        Standfield and others worked hard and long to clear the potentially treacherous
        steep roads. Janette at the Royal Oak and David at The Old Mill B & B took in
        motorists stranded overnight. All in all this was an extraordinary community effort
        which helped keep local people and strangers safe at a difficult time. Thank you

                                        20     Thanks to Tony Bates for photos opposite.                                         61
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