Page 21 - br-april-2018
P. 21

April 2018                            April 2018
 111. In an emergency call 999
 Please ensure you order and collect your repeat medication in plenty of time

 Carers Meetings

 At  the  last  meeting,  Mike  Tuck  gave  a  very  interesting  and  informative
 presentation on wood carving and walking stick making.
 The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th April at the Scout Hut, Bere Regis
 from  2-4pm.  Please  check  notice  board  in  Surgery  waiting  room  for  details  of

 GP in Training
 The  Surgery  welcomes  Dr  Hannah  Lever  who  will  be  with  us  for  the  next  four
 months. She will be mentored by Dr James Jackson.
 Sadly we say farewell and thanks to Dr Sarah Whittaker, and wish her well for the

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