Page 14 - br-april-2018
P. 14

April 2018                                                                           April 2018
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota                                                            if anyone would like to go along and see next seasons offerings let Jenny Beedle
                                                                                            (471002) or Jenny Lightfoot (471498) know.

       Date:         Flowers:             Cleaning:
       7 April                             Nicky Killer                                     Village Hall Lunch

       14 April       Andrea Smith         Andrea Smith                                     The meal for April 12  will be Chicken, leek and vegetable soup followed by fruit
                                                                                            pie and custard. Don’t forget to let us know about any dietary requirements in
       21 April       Penny Haigh          Penny Haigh
                                                                                            advance and also that we will do a take away service for anyone in need.  As
       28 April       Vivi Armitage        Vivi Armitage                                    usual see the list in the shop or phone Jenny on 471498 to book your place.
       5 May          Trish Killbank       Shirley Prideaux
                                                                                            The February winner of the £30 prize was ticket no.58. Angie Talbot who has kindly
       Mowing                                                                               and efficiently co-ordinated the 100 Club for the last two years has decided to
       Rota          Area 1          Area 2         Area 3       Area 4                     step down.  She has meticulous records with a team of volunteers to sell tickets
                                                                                            and  I’m  sure  will  be  only  too  pleased  to  inaugurate  and  induct  any  new
                                                                                            volunteer into the mysteries of the club, so we’re looking for a willing soul to take
       2 – 15 Apr    Ken Kilbank     David Coates   Mike Menzies  Chris Parker
                                                                                            on the job. Phone: 01929 472483 or Email
       16 – 29 Apr   Nigel Payne     David Griffith   Robin      Chris Parker
                                                    Gainsford                               Tai Chi

       30 Apr – 13   Alec Armitage   David Buck     Steve        Chris Parker               After being contacted by people
       May                                          Wootton                                 interested in a Tai Chi class at the
                                                                                            Village  Hall  we  are  now  looking
                                                                                            into the possibility of providing one
                                                                                            in  the future.  The  plan  is  to  ask  a
                                                                                            local instructor to give a one hour
                                                                                            taster class so that we can judge
                                                                                            how  many  people  want  and  will
                                                                                            be able to manage the classes. If
                                                                                            this goes well we will try to arrange
                                                Quality Tax and                             a regular class.
           KingsBere                                Accounting

                                                                                            Booking Secretary
           Accountants                     For professional advice, dealing with all        Oh joy and jubilation, we have a lovely enthusiastic volunteer to be the Village
                                                aspects of accounts and tax
                                                                                            Hall Booking secretary. After a few tweaks to the booking process and calendar
                                                                                            and a bit of training  Allan  will  (hopefully) pass over the responsibility. Until then
                                           Day and evening appointments available
                                                                                            carry on by contacting Allan Smith on 01929 471412.

                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304                              Finally

                                                            We  have  decided  to  hold  the  Armistice  Day  Centenary  Celebration  and  Tea
                                                                                            Dance on the 17  November this year.

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