Page 21 - br-sep-2022
P. 21

September 2022                                                                      September 2022

                                                                                            Towards Maiden Castle
                                                                                            Where once I walked across the Duchy land
                 wanted  to  be  up  there  with  them.”  At  second  attempt  he  was      just up the road from the town where I was born,
                 admitted to the RAF as a trainee pilot. The RAF trained in Canada          now pseudo Italian squares of buildings stand,
         and  southern  Africa  at  this  time  because  the  weather  was  reliable  so  the   no more those bleating flocks of Dorset horn.
         trainees  could  fly  every  day.  John  spent  time  near  Bulawayo  in  Southern
         Rhodesia  and  by  mid  1944  became  a  Flight  Lieutenant.  Most  of  his        Where once brown hares would lope and play
         contemporaries were directed to Fighter Command and went to Italy; John            right by the chalky track beyond the farmyard wall,
         was directed to Bomber Command and the Pathfinders.                                now brick and rendered houses line the way,
                                                                                            no more the high pitched two tone lapwing call.
         After VE Day he fully expected to be drafted to Germany or Holland. He had
         recently married Eileen. The RAF sent him to India. “Everything about it was a     Where once I found an ancient coin from Rome
         puzzle” he said. Why did he have to spend over a year there? The British were      just by the track, unearthed by farmer’s autumn plough,
         preparing to leave India. He drove lorries, often heading a convoy of 20 (RAF      now the southern bypass skirts my former home,
         man  at  the  front  and  rear,  the  rest  Indian  drivers)  and  then  they  were   no more those herds of sheep, no grazing dairy cow.
         systematically  rendered useless –  destroyed  beyond repair.  He  oversaw  the
         destruction of military bases – maintenance buildings, canteens, dormitories.      Where once I passed the probing rooks and crows
         The likelihood is that the British were putting these facilities beyond use in the   towards the encircling ramparts of that historic mound,
         event of a civil war post-independence.                                            now the traffic noise and spreading housing rows,
                                                                                            no more the avian hordes and cackling corvid sound.
         But he saw a tiger, loved the country and played a lot of cricket.
                                                                                            Where once I walked those seventy years ago
         He  was  demobbed  in  1947 and  returned to Morden and Boots.  Eileen had         the times have changed, the passing years have flown,
         given birth to Janice (Jan) and they later moved to Woking. He joined ICI for
         a time and then was offered a job as a salesman for Allen and Hanburys. He         though with the pace of life, the needs of people grow,
         covered  central  southern  England  and  in  1953  moved  to  Alresford,          yet still beyond, that ancient fort I’ve always known.
         Hampshire.  A  &  H  produced  inhalers  and  other  respiratory  aids  and  this
         became John’s chosen field.
                                                                                            The Fish of the Sea                 and fishes so tiny and small,
         Richard had been born in Woking in 1952 and Nicky was born in Alresford. He                                            there are pipefish, guitar fish,
         played  hockey  for  Winchester  and  cricket  for  the  local  teams  around      There are goatfish and catfish,     sunfish and starfish,
         Alresford.                                                                         boxfish and flatfish                though starfish are not fish at all.
                                                                                            and fishes that glow in the dark,
         In 1966 he was promoted to head office for A & H and moved to Westmill in          there are sailfish and oarfish,     There are monkfish and clownfish,
         Hertfordshire. He and Eileen stayed there until the move to Briantspuddle. He                                          blue fish and brown fish
         enjoyed  travelling  the  country  giving  presentations  about  respiratory  issues,   swordfish and sawfish          and fishes like jewels in a crown,
         inhalers  and  nebulisers.    A  three  day  trip  would                           and even a hammerhead shark.        there are hagfish and catfish,
         inevitably include nice dinners with the doctors and                                 There are parrotfish and dogfish,
         frequently  a  game  of  golf.  St  Andrews  in  Scotland                          lionfish and hogfish                stonefish and batfish
         became a favoured venue.                                                                                               and fishes that swim upside down.
                                                                                            and fishes that take off and fly,
         A  colleague  who  was  appointed  by  John  in  the                               there are strange fish and odd fish,    There are lone fish and shoal fish,
         1970s said “John was an early advocate of the work/                                white fish like codfish,            and then there's a coalfish
         life  balance”  –  when  John  interviewed  him  he  was                           those fishes we batter and fry.     we also call coley or saithe,
         more  interested  in  his  cricket  and  hockey  than  his                                                             all these fish in the sea,
         knowledge of pharmaceuticals.                                                      There are short fish and long fish,   just where can they be
                                                                                            big fish and strong fish            when I go to the beach for a bathe?

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