Page 26 - br-sep-2022
P. 26

September 2022                      September 2022

 into the packages, ensuring it is of most use.
 Cheques can be made out to "Pop In Place" and handed into our Friday Cafe as
 can cash.
 If you need this service please email in confidence, and
 we will help.

 Pop In Performers Group
 We start back on Thursday 15  September and we are looking for some new rising
 stars who love to sing, dance and perform. We also need a prompt and a person
 to do lighting, all adults will need to be DBS checked, get in touch with Alison if
 you are want to know more 01929 472023
 After the success of the last show we are looking to stage another production at
 Christmas on 15  16  17  of December. This will be a Nativity in part one and a
 variety show in part two, with the main emphasis on Christmas.
 We would welcome new young people into our group, so if you are interested in
 performing  and  will  commit  to  weekly  rehearsals  and  are  6  years  old  or  over
 please get in touch on

 Next Event at the Pop In Place
 Pop In Place Macmillan Coffee Morning will be held on Friday 30  September
 10am 12 noon at the Village Hall.
 The Pop In Place will be supporting Macmillan, we welcome Raffle Prizes, items for
 the  bring and  buy  and  cake  donation.  Most of all  get  this  special  date  in your
 diary and come along and support a very worthy Charity.

 Diary Dates
 Pop In Performers Present “One Night One Moment” Christmas Show
 Thursday 15  Dec 6pm, Friday 16  Dec 7pm, Saturday 17  Dec 2pm
 Pop In  Place  Christmas  Carols  and  Mince  Pies will be  on  Friday  23  December.
 10am 12 noon at the Village Hall.

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