Page 18 - br-sep-2022
P. 18

September 2022                      September 2022


       Do you have a mobile phone? Do you
 Bank holiday   have your favourite place around your
       house  where  you  get  a  good  signal?
 We will be closed Monday 29  August 2022.    Have  you  changed  provider  a  few
       times  to  try  to  get  the  best  service  for
 Please   ensure   you   have   enough   the best price?
 medication  to  tide  you  over  the  long
 weekend  and  that  any  dosette  boxes  which  start  on  Mondays  have  been   Are you a specialist in ICT? Do you know
 collected.   what  ICT  stands  for?  Have  you  got  an
       “Alexa” in the kitchen? Do you have a
 If you need medical attention whilst we are closed please call 111   PC or a Lap Top or do you have a little
 If you have a medical emergency whilst we are closed call 999   book of postage stamps, a writing pad,
       and some envelopes?
 Have a lovely weekend!
       I am impressed when I see boffins accessing information from the public system. I

       am getting better at it. I am getting quite good at recognising spam and fraud
 Protected learning time   communications. But sometimes I need help in determining what to do. I am not
       frightened of making decisions. (I remember a cartoon with Snoopy sitting on his
 We have a protected learning time session during the afternoon of Thursday 8    kennel with a big grin. The caption was “today I made 42 decisions – all of them
 September  from  15.30  –  18.30  when  the  Surgery  including  Dispensary  will  be   wrong”. But the key was that he had made a decision.)
       I had a difficult decision the other day. A family matter for which I had to decide
 Please phone the surgery number (01929 471268) if you need medical attention   if I had to make a change or not, and if so, what change should I make. So, being
 whilst we are closed. You will receive guidance on how you can be helped.   a church goer, I thought I would ask God to help me make the decision. Sitting at
       my desk - is God there in my study? I tell you what, I will go to church and ask
 The Practice will be open as normal on Friday 9  September
       there. I’m  sure  God  will  be  able  to  hear  my  question.  So  off I  went  mulling  the
       question and potentials solutions as I went. I walked into the church (St Laurence

 Flu clinics   at  Affpuddle) and sat on the first pew.  As I sat down it was like I had sat on an
       electric fence. The answer came to me immediately with such confidence that I
 Patients aged 65 + or those with a long term health   wondered how I hadn’t seen it before. I jumped up, said thank you to God, and
 condition  should  have  been  contacted  by  the   set off home to put the solution into practice.
 Practice by now to book a flu vaccination.  If you
 haven’t  had  a  call  or  a  text  message  please   The signal in the church was very strong.
 contact Reception on 01929 471268                                 Mike Menzies
 Patients  aged  50  –  64  are  eligible  for  a  flu
 vaccination  again  this  year.    NHS  guidelines
 stipulate  this cohort  of  patients should  not  be  vaccinated  before 17   October.
 We  will  contact  our  patients  in  this  age  group  in  due  course,  again  by  text
 message or phone call.
 We thank you for choosing to have your flu vaccination at the Practice.  The little
 profit  we  make  from  your  vaccination  goes  back  into  the  services  we  provide

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