Page 22 - br-sep-2022
P. 22

September 2022                      September 2022

 The father of her children, is nowhere to be seen.
 Nobody knows his whereabouts and no-one knows where he has      OBITUARIES
 He never was a father, to whom as children they could go,   He was proud of the Allen and Hanbury (later Glaxo) Golf Days at
 And a daddy as a daddy was not someone they could know.   Montrose and elsewhere; likewise the cricket matches against South
 It’s strange to me and you, but that’s what tarantulas do.   Wales  doctors,  London  doctors  and  the  rest.  “All  part  of  marketing  you
 That’s what tarantulas do, in deepest darkest Peru.   know.”

 I don’t know how long it takes before a little one speaks.   On  moving  to  Briantspuddle  John  joined  East  Dorset  Golf  Club  and  after
 It may take several days, but then it could take several weeks.   Eileen’s death in 2007 he became club captain 2008/9. He loved the club,
 When a toddler asks the “where is daddy”, question of his mum,   the  people,  the  long  walk  on  the  course,  the
 She’d have to say “I ate him and I swallowed every crumb”.   conversation and banter, and the clubhouse. He was
         very proud to be captain at the age of 84.
 It’s strange to me and you, but that’s what tarantulas do.
 That’s what tarantulas do, in deepest darkest Peru.   He  died  on  10   July  after  a  few  days  in  hospital  but
 You need your wits to woo. That’s what tarantulas do.   had still managed to see his much valued ‘Red  Wine
 That’s what tarantulas do, in deepest darkest Peru.   Club Boys’ a few days earlier for the last time on 30
 Paul J Openshaw

 Life’s design   A Picture of Holland

 Have you seen the design they drew   I’ll paint you a picture with words
 The plan drawn up for life?   Rather than an artist’s brush -
 What role do you play in it -   To shade for you this tranquil scene
 Is it carpenter, banker or wife?   Far from life’s madding rush.

 For we are all just like players   Willows drape and dip in the pools
 Acting on life’s giant stage;   Lightly kissing the bank on the edge.
 Just like characters in history   Herons stand tall and motionless
 With new heroes on every page.   Waiting patiently, keen eyes on the
 And some are destined to be the stars
 Playing roles in leading scenes;   Mallards float by, a score at a time
 While most of us are just extras   The water ripples as it drifts.
 Playing little parts and “in betweens”.   Reeds hold up their long green stems
    Just like sentries guarding the rifts.
 But we can challenge destiny
 Try to aim for a starring part -   As the mist unfolds over the fields
 If we can learn to do our best   A lapwing tumbles in the skies.
 And play every role from the heart.   A windmill slowly turns it’s sails
    In this scene – the Dutch Paradise.
 Eileen Richardson
 Eileen Richardson

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