Page 19 - br-sep-2022
P. 19

September 2022                                                                      September 2022


       The  Friends  of  Salisbury  Cathedral  are  planning  their  programme  of  events  for
       2023, so now is a great time to join.
       Members  of  the  Friends  enjoy  free  entry  to  the  cathedral  (excluding  ticketed
       events,  concerts  or  parking),  they  receive  newsletters  and  the  charity’s  annual
       report, and they are invited to its social events.
       Next  year’s  programme  begins  in  January  with  the  Dean  of  Salisbury  the  Very
       Revd Nicholas Papadopulos being ‘cast away’ at a Desert Island Discs event.
       This is followed by a coffee morning in February and a new members’ afternoon in
       March, the latter to include talks in the cathedral and tea in the refectory.
       There  will  be  a  day  trip  to  Wells
       Cathedral  in  April  and  the  annual
       Secret  Gardens  of  the  Close
       afternoon  in  June,  during  which  a
       number  of  gardens  in  Salisbury
       Cathedral  Close  are  open  to  the
       We hope to run a holiday to Wales in
       July and Friends’ Day is in September
       including the AGM, a lecture, cream
       tea, organ recital and evensong.

       In the last financial year, the Friends
       gave  more  than  £128,000  in  grants  to  fund  projects  at  the  cathedral  and
       safeguard it for future generations.
       These grants were made possible by means of members’ subscriptions, donations
       and legacies.
       Subscriptions are £25 for a single membership and £40 for joint membership. Gift
       membership is also available.
       For more details and a membership application form, contact the Friends’ office
       on   01722   555190,   email   or   visit   our   website:

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