Page 67 - br-sep-2020
P. 67

September 2020                      September 2020

       JUST FOR COIVD-19

       (subtitled confessions of a village

       Someone shared with me this month an article in the
       August  edition  of  Countryfile  magazine  entitled
       “confessions  of  a  village  shopkeeper”  written  by  a
       volunteer  in  a  community  village  shop  during  the
       COVID  lockdown,  not  dissimilar  to  our  little  shop  in
       Briantspuddle  –  it  did  make  me  giggle.  Tales  of
       villagers and volunteers.
       This month in Briantspuddle we hear cries of “frilly lettuce’s” and “fennel”, “should
       we  limit  the  number  of  those  people  are  able  to  buy  so  there’s  enough  to  go
       round” and “will there be enough milk if everyone from the campsite comes and
 The annual sponsored bike ride (or walk, or by horse/pony) is going ahead this year   buys it”. To which my answer is “I’m happy for anyone to buy anything” and if
 on 12  September. The riders raise money by sponsorship, either by payment for   that means one of us needs to pop out in the afternoon to buy more milk then so
 each church visited or as a lump-sum for all visited.
       be it.
 Funds raised are split as to 50% for Dorset Historic Churches Trust and 50% for any   Cherries  have  been  the  new  bananas  this
 charity of the rider’s choice.       month, we’ve been getting through 2 boxes a

 If you want to ride and haven’t already obtained the paperwork please contact:   week!.  We’ve  had  fresh  blueberries  from
                                      Puddletown.  And  we’ve  been  able  to  sell
 Richard Smith (Bere Regis) or        “Briantspuddle”  courgettes  and  runner  beans
                                      thanks to those who had too many!
 Richard Killer (Affpuddle)
                                      We  have  a  new  email  address  especially  for
 It is hoped that the Church porch will be open at Bere Regis during the day for
 riders  passing  through.  Affpuddle  Church  should  be  open  through  the  day  too.   p l a c i n g    o r d e r s    –    p l e a s e    u s e
 There  will  other  churches  open  throughout  the  county  although  some  may  be  or  you  can  of
 closed for Coronavirus safety reasons.   course call on 01929 472000  between 9.00am
                                      and  12.00  noon.  We  are  happy  to  arrange
 Let’s hope for a fine day!           delivery on a Wednesday or a Friday if you are
                                      unable to come into the shop.
       Don’t forget we are able to get your daily paper or magazine. We can accept
       newspaper  vouchers.  We  are  delivering  papers  7  days  a  week.  Please  call  or
       email to place your order.
       We’ve seen volunteers go back to work, welcomed volunteers back to the shop
       and new people into volunteering. We’ve been able to hear news of weddings
       (albeit small) and new babies! The swifts have nested and now flown. We melted
       in the heat and marvelled at the community spirit. All in all a summer that will be

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