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October 2019                                                                        October 2019

       A LETTER FROM THE MASHEDERS                                                         ARTSREACH EVENT
                                                                                           Saturday 23rd November .  Pentabus Theatre Company
       6, Higher Green, South Brent, TQ10 9PL

                                                                                                                                             THE TALE OF LITTLE
       Dear Friends,                                                                                                                         BEVAN
       Our news, which many of you may already know, is that we are moving....again!!                                                        ‘It  was  a  full  moon  so  I
                                                                                                                                             suppose  we  should’ve
       We have realised that we need to be much closer to Felicity’s Dad in Chipping
       Norton, not that he has become suddenly ill but rather to be available to support                                                     known.  Nothing  good
                                                                                                                                             happens on a full moon.
       him better.                                                                                                                           Well,  not  in  our  village.’
       I then saw a role advertised for ‘an experienced Priest/Pastor wanting to extend    He came one night. No-one could really remember quite when or from where. He
       their ministry’ in Abingdon-on-Thames. I applied – and was the chosen candidate!    just had so many stories you see. We forgot to ask for the details.
       This will be a supportive, part-time, role within an established Team with two full-  A new play by award winning writer Robert Alan Evans made in collaboration with
       time Priests and an Administrator.
                                                                                           village  hall  promoters  and rural  communities.  With  live  music  and  original  songs,
       We  will  be  moving  towards  the  end  of  October  and  the  Licensing  Date  is   this darkly comic fairy tale will make you question what community really means.
       November 4  at 7:30pm in St Helen’s Church in Abingdon – so please pray for us      Suitable 12+
       as we do for you and for Revd Sandra, beginning her new ministry.
                                                                                           Tickets £9 from Jenny Beedle 01929 471002
       Our  new  address:  Enock  House,  2  Musson  Close,  Abingdon,  OX14  5RE.    Same
       mobile and email!                                                         

       With our love to you all,
       Charles and Felicity                                                                CHRISTMAS FAIR
                                                                                           Sunday  1st  December  11.00am  until  4.00pm.Stalls,  refreshments  and  Father
                                                                                           Stall holders wanted. For further details contact Angela Tozer on 07512176292

                                                                                              When you respond to advertisers, do please tell them you saw

                                                                                                their advert in this magazine  -  it helps them monitor the
                                                                                                 effectiveness of their advert and helps us generate more
                                                                                                                    advertising revenue!!

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