Page 15 - br-october-2018
P. 15

October 2018                         October 2018


 VILLAGE HALL NEWS   There will be a Harvest Festival  Service

 Parish Council EGM                      on

 Trustees  at  their  last  meeting  struggled  to   th
 understand  the  reason  for  the  calling  of  an   Sunday  14   October
 extraordinary  meeting  to  discuss  an  agreement
 directly  affecting  the  Village  Hall  without  alerting   at
 the  trustees  of  their  intentions.  However  we  are
 glad  to  learn  that  this  move  ‘will  place   St Laurence’s  Church,  Affpuddle
 arrangements for Hall hire where they should be, solely between the Club and the
 Hall’ etc  (see insert in Sept Parish Mag).   at

 Deep Clean                           9.15AM

 The  work  has  almost  been  completed.  Matters  were  complicated  by  the   Followed by a Harvest  Lunch from  12.30PM
 electrical work which has now been completed successfully, and also by the fact
 that there will be a lot of dust and mess caused by the hall floor renovation work   at  Briantspuddle Village Hall
 to be carried out at the end of October. Thanks to all those who participated in
 the work, there will be more to do later in the year.   Everybody very  welcome!

                              No charge, donations only
         Please  tell  Erica  Moriarty (01929  471747)  or
 I think we can all agree that the roof now looks super.  Allan is dealing with the
 Invoices to Viridor, and we shall shortly have a nice plaque to put on show. Our   Doreen Sanderson  (01305  848812) if you would
 thanks  go  to  Viridor  Credits  for  their  grant  support  and  to  Leonora  for  her  kind   like lunch!
 contribution made from proceeds of selling her local cookbook Salt of the Earth.


 The date set for out Fair this year is 25  November. Stalls will cost £10.00 per table   CHAPEL
 and if you would like to book a place please contact the Booking Secretary on
 07784609838 or phone Jenny on 01929 471498.   There will not be a Service at the Chapel in October.

       The next Service is on Sunday 4  November, and will be
 Armistice Day   led by Mr Chris Warren.
 On  11   November  there  will  be  an  Artsreach  production  called  The  Gathering.    For more information contact the stewards: Karen Smith
 (see separate article for details)   (01929 471339), Caroline Harrison (01929 471378).

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