Page 20 - br-october-2018
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October 2018                                                                        October 2018

       PURBECK DISTRICT COUNCIL REPORT                                                     law  enforcement  is  only  exacerbated.  One
                                                                                           review that made me really want to see it said:
                                                                                           “[This] is one of those special films where humor
       Winfrith Technology Park                                                            and  drama  combine  to  make  a  powerful
                                                                                           experience. It creates a world where we get to
       A  Local  Development  Order  (LDO)  has  been                                      know every character so well that we truly care
       submitted  as  a  proposed  means  of  simplifying  the                             about each and every one of them by the end.
       planning process for a key Dorset employment site,                                  It touches on contemporary issues with a fierce
       with  further  consultation  taking  place  this  August                            humanity  and  yet  makes  us  laugh  with  biting
       and September. Purbeck District Council has led on                                  dark  humor.  Written  and  directed  by  Martin
       the  preparation  of  an  LDO  for  Dorset  Innovation                              McDonagh, that Irish poet of quirk and violence,
       Park, near Wool, which will help streamline planning                                this  is  his  masterpiece  and  one  of  the  year’s
       for the site, developing its identity whilst respecting the local environment.      great   films.   For   lead   actress   Frances
                                                                                           McDormand  this  is  a  towering  achievement,
       The LDO, once approved, will enable the fast-tracking of planning approval for      with  a  performance  of  grace  and  rage...This  is
       employment  development,  subject  to  a  number  of  conditions  which  are
       proposed  within  the  Order.  Dorset  Innovation  Park  Enterprise  Zone  is  Dorset’s   also a visually elegant film... where the Missouri
       second  largest  strategic  employment  site.  It  is  intended  to  be  an  advanced   landscape  becomes  a  green  and  beautiful
                                                                                           backdrop.”  Be  warned:  there  is  violence  and
       engineering and manufacturing cluster of excellence for the South West, building    bad  language  –  but  it  looks  like  a  really  good
       on  strengths  in,  marine,  defence  and  energy  technology.  There  has  been
       significant investment in the whole site by Purbeck District Council, Dorset County   film!
       Council and Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership who aim for it to provide a new
       opportunity for businesses by offering attractive Enterprise Zone benefits such as
       business rate reduction, simplified planning and full fibre broadband connectivity.
       The  LDO  will  benefit  those  wanting  to  expand  their  existing  businesses  on  site,
       relocate  to  take  advantage  of  business  rate relief,  or  respond  quickly  to  newly                                  Could the ALEXANDER
       awarded contracts. It is hoped that this will lead to new highly skilled employment
       opportunities and an increase in employment productivity for Dorset.                                                        TECHNIQUE help you?
       Following  the  public  consultation,  the  LDO,  with  any  resulting  changes,  will  be
       considered  by  Purbeck  District  Council  planning  committee  before  the  end  of                                      Learning the technique will enable you to
       November 2018.                                                                                                             realise that the way you stand & move can
                                                                                                                                  be the cause of pain & tension

                                                                                                                                   The BMJ gave
       Surgeries  are  held  on  the  first  Saturday  of  every  month.  These  are  held  at  the
       communal Lounge in Turberville Court in Bere Regis from 09.30 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.                                             AT positive
       If  you  have  any  questions  or  queries  related  to  the  business  of  Purbeck  District                               results in their
       Council please do come along. If anyone wants to contact me and cannot get
       to the surgery my email address is                                                             Back Pain trial
                                                    Peter Wharf - District Councillor                                              01929 298 323
                                                                                                                                   0770 441 9200
                                                                                                                                   Jeannette Martin MSTAT

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