Page 14 - br-october-2018
P. 14

October 2018                                                                        October 2018
       Flowers and Cleaning Rota
                                                                                            On 17  November the Village Hall will host a 1918/1940 tea Dance with a small

                                                                                            exhibition  of  WW1  artefacts  and  readings  of  war  poetry.  We  would  love  it  if
       Date:            Flowers:          Cleaning:
                                                                                            people could come in costume, and there will be a prize for the best 1918/1040s
       6 October      Sue Taylor           Elizabeth Whatley                                outfit. The tea will be provided by the usual crew but it would be good if anyone
                                                                                            who has a vintage recipe could contribute.                                                      This
       10 October     Wednesday morning    Special clean
                                                                                            event  will  not  be  a  fundraiser  but,  of  course  any  donations  will  be  gratefully
       13 October     Decorate for Harvest                                                  accepted.

       20 October     Andrea Smith         Andrea Smith
                                                                                            Purbeck Film Festival
       27 October     Christine Coates     Christine Coates
                                                                                            We are happy to be hosting this well -loved event yet again.  The film will be’ My
       3 November     Christine Ralls      Christine Ralls                                  Cousin Rachel’. Maggie Hoyle has put in the work on this event again this year

                                                                                            and the committee would like to thank her for her efforts.


                                                                                            The winning number for August was No 7.
       Rota          Area 1          Area 2         Area 3       Area 4                     Yoga Class

                                                                                            The new yoga class seems to have been well received. There are beginners who
       1-14 October   Steve Wootton   Ian Kaye      Ken Kilbank   Chris Parker
                                                                                            feel comfortable with the gentle exercises and more experienced pupils who are
                                                                                            happy with the class too. If you would like to try it out turn up at 6.30 on Thursday
       15-28 October  Ivor Bryant    Henry Hogger   David Payne  Chris Parker
                                                                                            evening in comfortable clothing to join.

                                                                                            Open Gardens
                                                                                            At  our  last  meeting  the  committee  agreed  in  principle  to  run  an  event  at  the
                                                                                            beginning  of  June  2019.  It  was  agreed  that  this  event  is  an  excellent  way  to
                                                Quality Tax and                             involve the entire community in a worthwhile venture. We have suggested that
           KingsBere                                Accounting                              the church might like to take a role this coming year and possibly raise some cash
                                                                                            at the same time.   This event requires a great deal of co-operation in its’ planning
                                                                                            and execution so offers of help closer to the time would be much appreciated.
          Accountants                      For professional advice, dealing with all
                                                aspects of accounts and tax
                                           Day and evening appointments available
                                                                                            Thinking  of  Open  Gardens  I  can  only  stress  once  again  how  important  co-
                                                                                            operation, support and kindness are in a small community such as ours. We need
                                                                                            to remember that there is nothing to be gained from conflict and everything to
                 Phone Debbie Scott FCCA, ATII on 01258 830304                              be gained from consideration, good manners and friendly politeness.

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