Page 17 - br-october-2018
P. 17

October 2018                         October 2018

       Dr. Selwyn Hughes, who for many years was the author of ‘Every Day With Jesus’
       Bible  reading  notes,  said  that  his  heart  ached  with  the  desire  to  encourage
       people to read the Bible. He found the statistics were alarming in relation to the
       regular reading of the Scriptures by modern day Christians.  Few, it seems, turn to
       the Bible on a daily or even regular basis.
       He wrote, “The other day I came across this statement from the book of Job: ‘I
       have  treasured  the  words  of  God’s  mouth  more  than  my  daily  bread.’  (23:12).
       How many Christians in today’s world would regard their intake from God’s Word
       as important, let alone more important than their daily diet?  All too few I believe.
       Whenever  I  speak  to  a  congregation  these  days  I  usually  begin  by  asking  how
       many love the Bible.  Most hands go up.  How many believe the Bible? Again most
       hands go up.  How many read the Bible?  Still lots of hands go up.  How many
       read the Bible daily?  Few hands go up.  Christianity is founded on Scripture.  It
       provides us with the basis of our faith, but not only that: the One who inspired its
       pages still promises to speak to us through it. The Word of God, said the writer to
       the Hebrews, is living and powerful, and sharper than a two-edged sword.”
       The Bible is an amazing book.  It is made up of 66 books, written by 40 authors over
       a period of 1500 years. And yet the Bible is a unity.  There is a complete harmony
       which cannot be explained by coincidence or collusion. The unity of the Bible is a
       strong  argument  in  favour  of  its  Divine  inspiration.    There  have  been  many
       attempts over the centuries to destroy the Bible, yet today it is still the number one
       best seller in the world.
       It  is  quite  likely  that  many  people  reading  this  will  have  a  copy  of  the  Bible
       somewhere in their home, so why not get it out and decide to read some verses
       from it every day.  If you don’t know where to start, try reading one of the Gospels,
       perhaps the book of Mark, about the life of Jesus.  Before you start to read pray a
       short  prayer  asking  God  to  help  you  understand  what  you  are  reading  and  to
       speak to you.  God will bless you as you read.

       Just a Smile!

       A  little  boy  opened  the  big  old  family  Bible  with  fascination  looking  at  the  old
       pages as he turned them.  Then something fell out of the Bible and he picked it up
       and looked at it closely.  It was an old leaf from a tree that had been pressed
       between  the  pages.  “Mum,  look  what  I’ve  found,  “  the  boy  called  out.  “What
       have you got there, dear?” his mother asked.  With astonishment in his voice he
       answered, “It’s Adam’s suit!”
       My grandson was visiting one day when he asked: “Grandma, do you know how
       you and God are alike?”  I mentally polished my halo while I asked, “No, how are
       we alike?”  “You’re both old,” he replied.
                                                                   Joyce Healey

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