Page 9 - br-october-2018
P. 9

October 2018                         October 2018

 BLADEN SOCIAL CLUB   Bere Regis Junior Church

 Unfortunately Artsreach have found it necessary to cancel all performances of the
 Inn Crowd event “Holmes and Watson – The Case of the Rhyming Crime”, which
 was to have taken place in Briantspuddle village hall on Saturday 13  October,
 sponsored by the social club.
 As an alternative for October the Bladen Social Club will be holding a Sausage
 and  Mash  supper  evening  with  a  Quiz  in  the  clubhouse  on  the  13   October
 commencing at 7:30pm.  Tickets will be £6, available from the Bladen Social Club,   Harvest
 the  Saturday  Coffee  Shop  or  the  Bladen  Social  Club  secretary  Peter  Talbot,
 telephone 01929 472483.

 An  alternative Inn  Crowd  event  may  be  available  in  the  New  Year.    If  such  an
 opportunity  does  become  reality  the  date  and  details  will  be  published  in  this
 magazine and elsewhere within the Parish.

 Peter Talbot,  Secretary


 Purbeck Film Festival 2018:  Briantspuddle Village Hall.
 Friday 19  October 7pm for 7.30.
 My Cousin Rachel (certificate 12A). Licensed Bar.
 Film  ticket  price  is  £6  and  can  be  ordered  at  Briantspuddle  Village  Shop  (am
 only), on the PFF website or by phoning Maggie Hoyle on 01929 472733. Pay at
 the door on the night.


 The committee are pleased to be able to confirm that the hiring rates for next
 year will remain unchanged, that is £12 per hour for the Main Hall, £10 per hour for
 the Jubilee Room and £10 per hour for the Kitchen.
 The booking form can be found on the Community Web Site, alternatively phone
 0778409838 or email .

 Although we have an increased level of bookings, which has helped us to keep
 our  hire  rates  down,  we  have  plenty  of  slots  available  for  single  functions  or
 regular meetings.

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