Page 10 - nov-2022
P. 10

November 2022                       November 2022

 current energy crisis and cost of living crisis we want to do  all we can to make
 sure it is affordable for anyone wanting to hire the hall for an event to be able to
 do so. I am glad to be able to say that so far we have seen a slight increase in
 hiring  and  with  our  current  electricity  contract  and  the  government  price  cap,
 currently now being reviewed in April?
 We  are  able  to  maintain  our  prices  through  the  winter  and  into  early  spring  at
 least. The more the hall is hired and used the more likely it is that we can continue
 to offer our incredible facilities at excellent value
 for  money  prices.  Please  contact  Angela  Tozer
 our booking secretary to see if the date you want
 the hall for is still available. And, in the meantime
 we the trustees look forward to seeing you at an
 event in our village hall soon.
 Stuart Chorley, Briantspuddle Village Hall
 Contact details  Phone 07818078191  Email



 Autumn  is  definitely  upon us  now,  Clocks  have  gone
 back, nights are longer, mornings darker but whilst we
 might  miss  sunshine,  long  summer  days  and  warm
 evenings the joy of Autumn is leaves of red and gold,
 mild  weather  and  a  good  excuse  to  have  soup  for
 lunch.  And  of  course,  the  Village  Shop  is  the  ideal
 place  to  get  your  soup  ingredients.  Squash,  Sweet
 Potatoes,  Watercress  and  Celery  or  Broccoli  and
 Stilton whatever your preference all are available in the shop.
 We celebrated our 20  anniversary of the village shop during October and whilst
 there were no big celebrations (sorry – we will use the AGM for that) it did not go
 by without a few of us remembering the efforts, inspiration, and commitment of
 those who have gone before. Not just the founding members but all those who
 day by day, week by week, year by year have kept it going.
 We  continue  to  be  well  supported  both  by  volunteers  and  customers.  Without
 those who order, collect, take in stock and work behind the counter or those who
 come  in  and  buy  the  community  shop  would  not  be  possible.  Visitors  often
 comment on the vast selection we have in the shop, the fresh fruit and veg, the

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