Page 23 - br-nov-2020
P. 23

November 2020                       November 2020

 the evening, the water polo game.  Often 400/500 people would turn up to see   1400  buildings  and  pieces  of  land  from  the  merging  Councils.    Schools,  leisure
 the  game  under  the  floodlights  amidst  huge  excitement  against  the  likes  of   centres, hotels, farms, the list is enormous.  We need to work out which we want
 Exmouth,  Exeter  and  Devonport  Services  who  were  all  fierce  local  rivals  at  the   to  keep,  either  for  financial  reasons  or  to  deliver  services.    This  was  underway
 time.   when Covid-19 hit us.
 The last gala of the season was always eagerly anticipated and was organised as    We need to work out what we want to keep and what we don't.  What we don't
 a fun event. The usual items were on the programme. There was always a fancy   want to keep we should do something else with.  Sometimes we will want to do
 dress parade in which most of the entrants would end up in the pool. This would be   something specific, for example in Wareham we have a piece of land and we
 followed by the infamous Dripsomaniac Diving Team where the idea was to dress   are working with the NHS to build a new Doctor's surgery and some supported
 up  in  ludicrous  costumes  and  dive  into  the  pool  displacing  as  much  water  as   living accommodation for those who need a bit of help.  Sometimes we should
 possible over the spectators.   sell  assets  to  raise  money,  which  we  will  then  spend  on  care,  education  or
       whatever needs investment.  But this isn't selling family silver. It is selling bits of land
 It was in the  August of 1962 that a group of us sat on
 poolside plotting an idea for a spectacular finale to the   that we have no use for that others can do something useful with.  We shouldn't
 Carnival  Gala  when  I  thought  of  it.  “How  about  a   hold land if a builder could put houses on it.
 Houdini  act?  “    I  suggested  rather  tentatively.  I  had    Selling assets produces a capital receipt.  Dorset Council is very short of money,
 seen  the  great  Harry  Houdini  portrayed  on  film  a  few   but we are short of revenue, that is largely council tax.  By law Councils cannot
 years  before  where  he  had  escaped  from  a   use  capital  to  pay  their  regular  bills,  like  salaries.  The  law  is  to  stop  Councils
 straightjacket whilst being dangled in a large tank full of   spending more than they can afford.  What we can do with capital is invest in
 water. “Great idea if you are going to do it” everyone   major  things,  like  new  schools,  dust  carts,  school  buses.  Things  that  will  have  a
 cried.   long life.  We will either do that with any capital we receive or pay off some of our
       debt to reduce our interest payments
 So it was down to me and being young and foolish, I set
 about the task of constructing my act. I would need a

 large  sack,  some  heavy  chains  and  rope  plus  half  a
 gallon of petrol! In the run up to the event, always the   Letter to the Health Secretary
 last  Tuesday  in  August,  I  prepared  myself  with  a
 practice  to  prove  it  would  work  and  my  Houdini  act   I reproduce in full the letter my ward partner (Laura) recently sent to the Health
 was duly added to the programme.    Secretary. I am very proud of her battling for Dorset in this way.
 The great evening arrived and I was ready. All the other   Dear Secretary of State,
 items on the programme had been completed. Amidst   I write with concern regarding the Government’s testing for Coronavirus.
 growing  excitement  my  entrance  was  announced  by  the  wonderful  Ron
 Hernaman  on the mike. “Take these Chains from my Heart and set me Free” sang   Although I am well aware that this is a national issue, I would like to highlight a
 Ray Charles over the loudspeakers as I stepped forward with great ceremony and   very  worrying  recent  experience  in  Dorset,  alongside  some  more  general
 climbed the steps to the top 4 metre diving board.   observations and challenges.
 There, I  was  greeted  by  the  mayor  of  Barnstaple  who  was  asked  to  inspect  the   Recently,  a  local  care  home  ordered  200  tests  to  be  delivered.  They  were
 sack, chains and rope. He dutifully nodded his approval and I was bound hand   completed by staff and residents and the courier booked. The courier failed to
 and foot, chains were wrapped over me and I stepped into the sack which was   attend  in  time  for  the  tests  to  remain  viable  and  all  had  to  be  discarded.  This
 firmly  tied  at its  neck.  There  was  a  deathly  hush in  the  crowd  as  the  lights  were   would be unfortunate were it a one off; but is unacceptable as it is a common
 dimmed and half a gallon of petrol was poured onto the pool. Imagine what Elf’   occurrence.
 ’n Safety would say about this these days!
       Another issue we face is that Pillar 2 testing programme is being run as if it is a
 Martin from my support team lit his torch and then held it over the pool. Suddenly   commercial  operation,  with  frequent  references  to  slots  ‘being  sold  out’.
 there was a giant whoosh and it was ablaze. I was now ready for my big entrance   Language  is  important  -  testing  is  an  essential  plank  of  the  response  to  a
 and two of my burly fellow water polo players lifted me entombed in my sack and   pandemic;  and  needs  to  be  developed  with  a  clear  public  health  strategy
 threw me into the pool.   underpinning it.

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