Page 19 - br-nov-2020
P. 19

November 2020                       November 2020

        Monday: I head to London early to be in time for my
 Are you...      first  meeting  –  Number  9,  Downing  Street  with  the
        Whips team. We discuss the forthcoming business for
    Looking   for   a   new   the week, and I check which days I will be Telling –
 challenge?   counting the MPs as they vote. I will also be moving
        some of the government motions — presenting Bills
    Willing  to  help  your  local   to  the  Speaker  for  debating  or  voting.  I  spend  a
 community?   portion of the day in the House  for debates, and I
        also  attend  the  first  DL  committee  for  the  week.
    Able  to  dedicate  some
 spare  time  to  improving   Delegated  Legislation  is  secondary  legislation  that  does  not  need  an  Act  of
 outcomes for our children?   Parliament,  and  it  is  scrutinised  through  committees  of  MPs.  There  are  several
        votes after the debates in the House, and with social distancing, each takes 15-
    Looking/willing  to  be  part   20 minutes. I leave at the start of the adjournment debate, which starts at 10pm,
 of OR someone who enjoys   and work on my emails when I get home.
 being a member of a pro-
 active team of dedicated individuals?   Tuesday:  I  start  the  day  with  a  call  to  my  Senior  Parliamentary  Assistant.  My
        London staff are all working remotely, so it’s important to touch base with them
    Able to make a real contribution to our school?   regularly by phone. We discuss any policy and research that’s ongoing, and he
        asks  for  guidance  on  some  of  the  correspondence  and  casework  that  needs
 Bere Regis Primary and Pre-school has undergone significant change in the last   following up. I then have meetings with colleagues about future Bills, and spend
 three  years;  we  are  now  in  a  very  positive  position.    We  need  to  broaden  our   some time in the debates in the House. I am Telling for the vote, and am asked
 Governing  Board  to  include  some  additional  individuals,  who  don’t  currently   to  announce  the  results.  Usually  this  is  alongside  3  other  whips,  but  for  social
 have children at the school.  It is very important to  have different perspectives   distancing, it is just me today.
 and  we  would  welcome  someone  who  is  able  to  dedicate  some  time  to  the
 school.      Wednesday:  Regular  meeting  in  the  Department  for  Education  with  the
        Secretary  of  State  and  Ministers.  We  discuss  how  schools  are  coping  with  the
 We are a strong team who are pro-actively involved in the school, and work to   new regime, and the Universities Minister brings us up to date with the situation in
 understand the challenges it faces, supporting it when required.  Our role primarily   universities across the country.  I call the constituency office, to discuss Friday’s
 involves being a ‘critical friend’; questioning and challenging the head teacher   surgery  arrangements  with  my  caseworker.  She  is  working  on  several  complex
 and senior leaders to ensure every aspect of the provision is at its very best.  We   and sensitive issues for constituents, and we chat through who I need to see in
 are fully supported by the Wessex Multi Academy Trust in our quest to ensure that
        person, and who I will be calling on the phone. Following that I attend another
 Bere Regis has a positive outcome at our next Ofsted inspection.    DL  committee  on  coronavirus  regulations.
 The full governing body meet once per half term for approximately 2 hours. This      Later  in  the  afternoon  I  attend  the  1922
 would  be  the  minimum  time  commitment,  but  ideally  you  would  be  able  to   committee  which  consists  of  backbench
 spend  some  additional  time  in  school,  getting  to  know  the  culture  and  the   Conservative  MPs.  A  Secretary  of  State
 children.  No previous experience is needed as on-line training and ‘on the job’   usually  comes  to  speak  to  us  and  take
 support will be provided.             questions.
                                       Thursday:  Early  start  to  the  day  with
 For an informal discussion about the roles and what you can do to help, please
 contact Lucy Roberts (Chair of Governors) 07770733832. We   breakfast  in  Number  10  with  the  Prime
 would love to hear from you, so please get in touch.    Minister.  A  small  group  of  us  have  been
                                       invited  so  we  can  discuss  the  national
                                       situation, and to enable us to ask questions

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