Page 22 - br-nov-2020
P. 22

November 2020                                                                       November 2020
           Encourage  decarbonisation  of  road  transport  through  development  of      The impact on the pool surface managed to extinguish most of the flames and
            public  Electric  Vehicle  charging  network  and  promotion  of  ultra-low    with the weight of the chains I quickly sank to the bottom. One of the problems of
            emission vehicles                                                              the  performance  was  that  the  on  impact  with  the  water,  the  chains  rather
                                                                                           banged against me but no serious harm was done.
           Where feasible, replace Council vehicle fleet with electric and or Hydrogen
            replacement.                                                                   Once on the bottom, I managed to struggle out of the rope that tied my hands
                                                                                           and feet. Without giving too much of my secret away, my accomplices were very

                                                                                           careful in the way they tied the knots! The chains were then pulled aside and I
       Budget Shortfall                                                                    was ready for my big re-surface. It was at this point I decided to hold my breath a
                                                                                           little  longer  to  build  the  tension  with  the  spectators  around  the  pool:  twenty
       Like  many  councils  across                                                        seconds went and passed by, then 30 seconds. I was told later that on poolside
       the  country,  Dorset  Council                                                      the  lifeguards  were  already  stripping  off  as  the  tension  gripped  the  audience.
       has taken a big financial hit                                                       Forty  seconds  arrived  and  I  was  still  relatively  comfortable.  At  fifty  seconds  I
       f r o m   t h e    C O VI D - 1 9                                                   emerged from the sack and jack-knifed to the surface to a roar from the crowd.
       pandemic.  It  is  estimated
       that the total impact on the                                                        A few minutes later a couple of small boys came up to me and actually asked
       council’s  budget  is  more                                                         me for my autograph, the only time in my life before or since.
       than   £60million   due   to                                                        Many years later in 1992, I was invited to attend the Barnstaple Swimming Club’s
       additional  expenditure  and                                                        60 .  Anniversary  Celebration  Dinner.  Diana  and  I  were  placed  at  a  table  with
       lost income. After grants and reliefs from government for COVID-19, the net impact   some  of  our  friends  and  it  was  wonderful  to  talk  about  old  times.  As  we
       this  financial  year  is  currently  around  £41.9  million.  Without  further  funding  from   approached our table we looked of course for our place names. I found mine
       government, the council will be forced to use  virtually all of its own reserves this   soon enough and, yes it had to be  “Houdini Holman”
       year  to  cover  the  gap.  Reserves  can  only  be  spent  once  so  this  will  place
       additional strain on future resilience and potentially leave the council unable to                                                               Bob Holman
       fund  changes  in  demand-led  services  in  future.  There  are  likely  to  be  ongoing
       budget  pressures  resulting  from  COVID-19,  and  this  is  on  top  of  the  continually
       growing demand for adults and children’s social care as a result of our changing     BERE REGIS.ORG WEBSITE STATISTICS
       There  are  many  uncertainties  making  it  hard  to  forecast  the  council’s  financial   Many  villagers  will  be interested  to  know  some  facts
       position over coming years, but  the current best estimate is that  the council will   that have been collated by our Webmaster, Rodney
       face a budget gap of £41.9m in 2021/22.  Work is underway to close the budget       Osmond.
       gap  in  the  next  financial  year.  The  council  has  identified  £11.9million  of  tactical
       savings,  and  a  potential  £8.2million  of  transformation  savings,  i.e.  changing  the   The  Bere  Regis  Magazine  downloads  are  now
       way it delivers services.  At this stage, this still leaves a budget gap of £21.8million   reaching  over  140  every  month  all  over  the  world,
       so further work is required to be able to present a balanced budget proposal for    very popular. There are over 3,000 page views every
       full council to consider in February 2021.                                          month and the most viewed webpage for September
                                                                                           is Ongoing Development of Mays Wood, followed by

                                                                                                The Turberville Family 1202 - 1780
       Office space                                                                             Walks around Bere Regis

       There has been speculation as to our plans for office space, particularly existing       The history of Woodbury Hill Fair
       buildings. This has nothing to do with employees working from home because of            Bere Regis Buses
       coronavirus and it all started long before the pandemic hit.  After Dorset Council   
       came  into  being  in  April  2019,  we  started  to  look  at  our  properties  to  see  if  we   Bere Regis Industries
       could reduce our estate and make better uses of the spaces we have.                      Bere Regis Marriages
                                                                                                Bere Regis Baptisms
       Dorset Council is working out what it does with its assets.  Dorset inherited about
                                                                                                Bere Regis Burials 1536 - 1943

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