Page 18 - br-nov-2020
P. 18

November 2020                                                                       November 2020

                                 OBITUARIES                                                POP IN PLACE NEWS

                  the prognosis for him wasn't good.  Glo says they had several days        Bere Regis Food Bank
                  of long, hard and serious talks which has left her with instructions to
                                                                                            Thank  you  to  everyone  who  is  kindly  donating  food  to
          follow.  Some of which she has already done but others may take a while.
                                                                                            the  Food  Bank  there  is  a  box  for  your  donations  in  the
          It was only on his last day that Rich said he didn't want to go on and Glo        Spar  Shop  ,  the  church  and  at    the  Village  Hall  Bere
          tried as best she could to reassure him that everything was OK and that he        Regis.
          should rest and get better.
                                                                                                                         Thank  you  to  all  the  people  and  organisations
          The nurses were with Rich when he passed and he just simply went to sleep                                      who  have  donated  money  to  further  our  work
          and stopped breathing.  Glo said she saw him and he looked perfect, there                                      helping  provide  food  to  those  who  are
          were no signs of pain or grimace, he was just asleep.                                                          struggling.
          Rich loved to watch the birds and his favourites were the robins.  When at TP                                  Everything is pointing to the crisis deepening so it
          he had two tame ones who would sit on the fork lift with.  Hence the robin                                     is  important  that  we  can  keep  the  Food  Bank
          pins as a momento.                                                                                             going, so your kindness has never been more in
          Glo  has  tried  to  carry  out  the  instructions  and  the
          most  important  one  Rich  wanted  is  to  carry  on
          living, don't  mope,  get  the bungalow and  garden                               If you need help with food
          finished.    Look  after  the  family  and  enjoy  time
          together and whatever chances come your way in                                    If  you  are  struggling  and  need  a  food  bank  delivery  please  email
          the  future,  take  them  as  you  may  never  get  the                  or telephone 01929 472023
          chance  again.    Never  look  back  and  say  I  wish  I                         Thank you to Jo Bruce, Joanna & Claire Syrett   and  Paul Bennett who are helping
          had done that.                                                                    to run this initiative.

                                                                                            Christmas “Gifts of Hope”

                                                                                            As we did in the spring at the start of lockdown, we are again going to make a
       RICHARD CURTIS                                                                       pre-Christmas delivery to those who live alone. Please, if you want to make sure
                                                                                            someone  you  know  is  on  my  list,  email  me  their  name  and  address
                                                                                    There is no age limit  -  the criteria is simply if a person
       Glo (Gloria) would like to say a huge thank you to both our wonderful families for   lives alone then they qualify.
       surrounding me with love and support.  Also to all those who sent cards and kind
                                                                                            Community Knitting
       Thanks to Fortuneswell ward and Albert Marsh for taking such great care of Rich.
                                                                                            Thank  you  to  all  our  amazing  knitters,
       Please accept this as my personal thanks,                                            please do keep knitting as it will be a useful
                                                                                            pastime  but  also  you  will  be  helping
                                                                                            refugees, we are in contact with a charity
                                                                                            that  is  regularly  sending  to  France.  The
                                                                                            situation there is very bad as the weather
                                                                                            gets colder your jumpers and blankets are
                                                                                            going to make a real difference.

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